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Q: I’ve seen multiple articles now from some very established sources, stating that we currently do not even come close to producing the amount of copper required to meet the political goals related to the reduction in the reliance on fossil fuels. More mines will be required, but they take decades to construct. In the meantime, will this be beneficial to current producers like Capstone? If so, is Capstone a good company or are there other companies that are better? Thanks
Read Answer Asked by Dave on July 23, 2024
Q: Hi Peter and Staff

I currently have 9% of my portfolio in O&G (excluding pipelines) and only 1% in materials (NTR)

-would you suggest I drop my O&G a bit to add a miner ?

-if so would you suggest FCX , TECK.B for a long term hold or another name?

Thanks for all you do
Read Answer Asked by Dennis on July 08, 2024
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