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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: I’ve seen multiple articles now from some very established sources, stating that we currently do not even come close to producing the amount of copper required to meet the political goals related to the reduction in the reliance on fossil fuels. More mines will be required, but they take decades to construct. In the meantime, will this be beneficial to current producers like Capstone? If so, is Capstone a good company or are there other companies that are better? Thanks
Read Answer Asked by Dave on July 23, 2024
Q: Hi Peter and Staff

I currently have 9% of my portfolio in O&G (excluding pipelines) and only 1% in materials (NTR)

-would you suggest I drop my O&G a bit to add a miner ?

-if so would you suggest FCX , TECK.B for a long term hold or another name?

Thanks for all you do
Read Answer Asked by Dennis on July 08, 2024
Q: Can you please advise on the top 5 stocks for people looking for copper exposure in their portfolio? Please order in terms of risk-adjusted long-term returns, factoring in the current stock price. Thank you.
Read Answer Asked by Menaka on June 24, 2024
Q: Hello Team 5i,
Portfolio tracking indicates i am under weight basic materials in my RRIF. Could you suggest 2 or 3 current top choices. Can be US or International if best.
thanks for years of guidance.

Read Answer Asked by ralph on May 23, 2024
Q: In reference to your answer that we should consider being overweight the US at this time, can you give one US name in each sector for modest growth (not dividends) over the next few years? Please take as many credits as necessary with thanks.
Read Answer Asked by Gregory on May 17, 2024
Q: I have some USD cash sitting in my RRSP. What would be your most compelling buys today for an agressive investor for an RRSP, irregardless of sector. Kindly rank if possible. (with the caveat that tax loss selling isn’t possible)

I was considering FCX or EXP as I am light on materials. Would either of these fit in an RRSP, and which of these two would be your preference at this time?

Thank you
Please deduct as you deem fit.
Read Answer Asked by Karim on April 11, 2024
Q: hi folks:

i have done well with IVN over the years, yet i admit i am losing my nerve.......

understanding that they likely do have the 'best and most profitable' copper mine in the world, the 'potential' drc political situation worries me more than any future profit potential

keeping in mind that everywhere has some political risk, what would your recommendations be for continued copper exposure ?

(i own a full position in CS as well)

thanks once again; always appreciate your advice and analysis
Read Answer Asked by Robert on March 04, 2024
Q: Hello 5i team,
At the moment, I only have AEM for basic materials and wanted to add another company for more exposure to the materials sector. I had NTR (bought when it was Agrium) a few years ago and sold all shares when they were valued above $100.

I wanted to get back into NTR as I think it will not go lower then around $60 (has support there). You have CCL in the balance portfolio but seems to be in a holding pattern for the past 3 years.

My question is if you have your eye on other material sector companies that would fit the balance portfolio? With a decent dividend, and beaten down, do you think NTR is a good second materials stock to enter into?

Thank You,
Read Answer Asked by Andrew on February 21, 2024
Q: Material Sector - I hold a full position in .LIN and starter positions in EXP CS FCX WFG AEM - all recommended by 5i. I prefer to have a full position in one of these for a long-term [3-5 years] hold. How would you evaluate them [or any other you prefer] and recommend your highest conviction.
Read Answer Asked by sam on February 21, 2024
Q: I have very little exposure to raw materials/mining. What five companies would you recommend for a long-term hold?
Read Answer Asked by Robert on February 20, 2024
Q: Portfolio Analytics indicates that across all accounts, we are underweight in the Basic Materials sector. The two stocks and CGL.C listed above are the only holdings in this sector. (CGL.C is a small holding. as it can be traded with zero commission)

Please suggest some additional Canadian and U.S. stocks in this sector to improve diversification, include reasonable entry points, and rank them in order of what to purchase first.

For a Canadian ETF, what is your opinion of XMA?

Please deduct as many credits as necessary.

Read Answer Asked by Jerry on January 30, 2024
Q: I'm looking to add more US companies. Could you please give an answer to Larry's question but substitute 2 US companies per sector for 2024?
Read Answer Asked by Kel on January 30, 2024
Q: Portfolio Analytics indicates that, across all accounts, we are significantly underweight in the Basic Materials sector. The stocks and ETF noted above are the only holdings in this sector. (CGL.C is quite a small holding.)

Please suggest at least five additional Canadian stocks in this sector to improve diversification, include a reasonable entry point, and rank them in order of what to purchase first.

Read Answer Asked by Jerry on January 29, 2024