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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: What is your opinion of Rogers Comm. today. How have they performed compared to the other Cdn. telcos. Is their future any different then BCE/Telus?
Would it effect their performance if they divested of their sports teams. Are the teams a distraction? or do they add to the bottom line. My opinion is they should concentrate on the telco business.
Read Answer Asked by Reg on June 11, 2024
Q: Hi Team,
Would you choose Rogers or Cogeco to get exposure to the wireless sector?
I would lean towards CCA due to CDPQ "partnership" that could limit the drawdown in my opinion and the high leverage of Rogers.

Second question ? Would you prefer CGO vs CCA to get exposure to Cogeco and why?

Thank you !

Read Answer Asked by Michel on January 15, 2024
Q: I have a well diversified TFSA with 23 stocks. I usually hold for long term. Looking to add one more stock and I have short listed to AFN, NTR AND RCI.B. Would appreciate your ranking and brief why.

Also, 5i Research is my main source for decision on buy/sell. I use your resources on a daily basis. Thanks for the years of service.
Read Answer Asked by Roy on December 19, 2023
Q: I can book a tax loss on BCE (never thought I would be saying that), just wondering if I intend to buy it back in 30 days would RCI be an ok placeholder (Telus already owned) or placeholder not needed and just wait the 30 days in cash? (brokerage fees not a consideration). Thanks,
Read Answer Asked by Stephen R. on December 01, 2023
Q: Can you please provide proxies for tax loss selling for the above noted stocks/ETFs
Please deduct as many credits as necessary.
Thanks for your insight.
Read Answer Asked by Terry on November 08, 2023
Q: I am thinking of buying Rogers Communications for future growth in the share price. My investment horizon is more than 10 years. Would you say that Rogers is a better choice than BCE or Telus? Please explain the reasoning.

Also, is the current share price of RCI at a good price to buy it or would you wait for it to drop some more?

And what class of shares would be better to buy (Class A or Class B)? Please explain why. Thank you for your insights.
Read Answer Asked by Cathy on September 25, 2023
Q: Dear 5i team.

Does it make sense to just buy equal amounts of the big three in Canada, or is there an ETF that provides good exposure to these, along with other adjacent companies?Thanks for your help.
Read Answer Asked by Arthur on August 23, 2023
Which stocks need to sell or all of them.
Read Answer Asked by Nizar on August 15, 2023
Q: Hi group can you help me understand how to get a dividend for my cash that I have presently (100 k ) its sitting in my RBC direct investing account / they do not give any interest for this money.
Can you walk me thru what to buy / I need its to be liquid (I want to use the cash if/when we go into a pullback/ downturn.

2 nd question
Please give me your top pick in each sector regardless of US or CAD

Thanks for your help with this
Read Answer Asked by Terence on July 04, 2023
Q: Can you provide the fair value of the following stocks: TSLA, SHOP, BN, GOOG, ATZ, NVDA, WELL, GSY, TOI, KXS, ECN, RCI.B ?
Read Answer Asked by Eric on May 18, 2023
Q: I have BCE and T for Canada. VZ for USA. What additional telecom stock(s) would you recommend to round off this sector?
Thank you,
Read Answer Asked by Roger on February 14, 2023
Q: I am a dividend growth investor and I’m running out of patience with Rogers who hasn’t increased its dividend in over 3 yrs. It appears that Rogers takeover of Shaw is almost certain at this point. This takeover will cost Rogers 20 billion and likely add significant debt to their balance sheet. Do you see Rogers increasing its dividend anytime soon or ever again? I’m considering selling my Rogers shares for a small profit and using the proceeds to increase my Telus holdings and was curious as to your thoughts on this move. Really appreciate the great service that you provide.
Read Answer Asked by Anthony on January 26, 2023
Q: Hello 5i team,

The shares of Rogers Communications are at a more attractive level these days. In your opinion, have they reached a bottom or will they continue to go down because of the expectation of lower earnings due to customer rebates? Is the company a buy, hold or sell? If one was to buy, what would be a good entry point?

Many thanks for your insight.
Read Answer Asked by Michel L on September 09, 2022
Q: Hello 5i, Could you comment as to which company is likely to buy Freedom Mobile from Shaw so that Rogers can takeover Shaw. I think Quebecor and Globalive want to purchase Freedom Mobile.
Read Answer Asked by Michael on May 24, 2022