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Quebecor Inc. Class B Subordinate Voting Shares (QBR.B)
Corus Entertainment Inc. Class B Non-Voting Shares (CJR.B)
Q: What is your take on the possibility that Quebecor might try to purchase Corus Entertainment, considering the massive debt that has caused most analysts to rate Corus as a strong sell and an under-perform rating. For example, National Bank views its real share price as one cent - yikes! If Quebecor could buy Corus at a 'bargain-basement' price, could this act as a tailwind for Quebecor? Thanks as always for your insight.
Q: Like many others, I’m very frustrated with the performance of both Bell and Telus. (Bell is held in a non-registered account so could be a tax-loss candidate. Unfortunately Telus is held in my RRIF.)
Due to the decline in both BCE and T, Portfolio Analytics indicates that I'm underweight in the Telecom sector - not surprising! With such headwinds in this sector, do you see the need to replace Bell with Quebecor to stay in the same sector, or should I accept that being underweight can be a good thing?
The reason I’m considering QBR.B is because we recently switched from Bell to Freedom for our mobile phones. As well, their chart looks a lot better than either Bell or Telus.
Would you sell BCE to buy QBR.B or would you use the proceeds to buy into a sector with some tailwinds?
What sector(s) do you feel have tailwinds going forward?
Your comments are valued greatly. Please deduct as many questions as you see fit.
Due to the decline in both BCE and T, Portfolio Analytics indicates that I'm underweight in the Telecom sector - not surprising! With such headwinds in this sector, do you see the need to replace Bell with Quebecor to stay in the same sector, or should I accept that being underweight can be a good thing?
The reason I’m considering QBR.B is because we recently switched from Bell to Freedom for our mobile phones. As well, their chart looks a lot better than either Bell or Telus.
Would you sell BCE to buy QBR.B or would you use the proceeds to buy into a sector with some tailwinds?
What sector(s) do you feel have tailwinds going forward?
Your comments are valued greatly. Please deduct as many questions as you see fit.
Q: QBR.B seems to have some favourable financial metrics and to be liked by analysts, yet the share price has been drifting lower for a couple of months. What is your view of this stock and do you see it's share price improving over time? Would you buy, sell or hold? Thanks.
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