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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Retired (25 years) investor, preservation of capital and income paramount. Can you please provide the following, ETF or equity suggestions for:
Basic Materials (hold 2% LIF), Communications Services (hold 4% BCE), Consumer Cyclical and Consumer Defensive (hold 0%), Healthcare (hold 1% HHL), Industrials (hold 0%), Technology (hold TXF 4%).

Thank you for considering my lengthy question for which I apologize.
Read Answer Asked by Gail on April 10, 2024
Q: Material Sector - I hold a full position in .LIN and starter positions in EXP CS FCX WFG AEM - all recommended by 5i. I prefer to have a full position in one of these for a long-term [3-5 years] hold. How would you evaluate them [or any other you prefer] and recommend your highest conviction.
Read Answer Asked by sam on February 21, 2024
Q: Portfolio Analytics indicates that across all accounts, we are underweight in the Basic Materials sector. The two stocks and CGL.C listed above are the only holdings in this sector. (CGL.C is a small holding. as it can be traded with zero commission)

Please suggest some additional Canadian and U.S. stocks in this sector to improve diversification, include reasonable entry points, and rank them in order of what to purchase first.

For a Canadian ETF, what is your opinion of XMA?

Please deduct as many credits as necessary.

Read Answer Asked by Jerry on January 30, 2024
Q: In your answers to questions regarding sectors allocation, you say that materials sector should be at 10%. In my case it is 4% and includes AEM, NTR, CCL.B, WFG, MX. What would you do to increase my allocation? Would you replace some companies? Thank you
Read Answer Asked by Gervais on January 29, 2024
Q: Could i get your 2 favorite companies to buy right now ( 1 Cad and 1 US) in each of Consumer Cyclical, Utilities, and Materials. Thank you
Read Answer Asked by Neil on January 04, 2024
Q: Peter et al:
I have big losses on canfor pulp and western forest products, and have included them in my tax loss selling? Should I buy them back? Interest in these stocks has completely subsided, which makes me think that in a few years when the price is up a lot, we will hear about them every day! Please advise, with a detailed explanation. Also, would you kindly render your opinions on canfor , which Jimmy Pattison wanted so badly, and now no one mentions. Also, opinions on Interfor, and WFG, which you like a lot more, but never get any questions about. A big shortage in housing, and lumber stocks in the dumpster!!!!. They will have their day in the sun. Help me to determine that time frame. Charge me accordingly. Much appreciated.
Read Answer Asked by BEN on December 08, 2023
Q: Hi Peter and Staff
Long time holder of NTR and have whittled my materials to just this one with a 1% weighting . Selling now at this price seems like a bad idea but with the premise “it doesn’t care what you paid for it “ for a long term hold , do you favour it , SJ or TECK.B and why ?

Thanks for all you do
Read Answer Asked by Dennis on December 04, 2023
Q: What would be some investments that would benefit from the potential residential building boom that is being incented by Federal money in Canada?
Read Answer Asked by Maria on November 21, 2023
Q: Hello, I think I made a mistake in buying WFG. It has not done well and is at the mercy of lumber prices and the government (I think?). I used to own SJ and it may have more control of it's destiny. Your thoughts please. Frankly I'm starting to think I don't need materials as there is too many, copper, lumber, steel, gold..... I also own AEM in the sector. How do I choose? I prefer a safer less cyclical stock if that's possible in this sector. Any advise would be appreciated. Thank you.
Read Answer Asked by Cheryl on November 08, 2023
Q: Please provide best “lower risk” investment ideas given the housing shortage in Canada and USA?
Read Answer Asked by Geoffrey on November 08, 2023
Q: Hi 5i
I would like to replace AEM in my LIF account with another basic material holding. My goal is growth. Both NTR and WFG are looking interesting now. Could you give your opinion of which would likely be the better play for a long term. With the pending slow down/recession would you switch now or wait?
Read Answer Asked by Gary on April 12, 2023