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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Good morning team,
Could you please give your take on these holdings .. keepers or let go? With the exception of TECK, I am down with the rest. Although they are good companies, they don't seem to have +ve momentum ..
I appreciate your thoughts ?
Read Answer Asked by Carlo on May 30, 2023
Q: Can you please give us your recommendations what will be minimum / maximum CDN dollar amount for Teck resource shares if someone gives offer. I just want to analyze if it is worth holding until offer comes or add more.

Thanks for the great service
Read Answer Asked by Hector on April 27, 2023
Q: Good Morning

Todays Globe and Mail watchlist chart showed a 53% increase in Teck a shares and very little change in Teck B shares yesterday. Would you kindly explain the difference in the share structure and why the difference in stock price. I understand they decided to spin out the coal business could you elaborate on the reason for this. ? Environment concerns ??

Thank you
Read Answer Asked by Michael on February 22, 2023
Q: Hi There,
Do you expect the energy and resources sectors to continue to do well in 2023? I'm contemplating selling SU and/or Teck and moving the money into a US mid cap ETF such as VO. Apple to Oranges I know, however looking for the best risk/reward scenario.
You thoughts please.
Thank you
Read Answer Asked by Kevin on January 10, 2023
Q: Hi 5i
With significant pullback in copper stocks, how would you rank these for best rebound potential? Any others? Would you be willing to start buying now or wait?
Thanks again.
Read Answer Asked by Greg on August 08, 2022
Q: Due to need to rebalance my portfolio in which order would you sell these stocks or portions thereof?
Read Answer Asked by Barbara on March 07, 2022
Q: Do you know if any of the above companies have exposure directly to Russia, Belarus or Ukraine. Alternatively, would any of the above benefit from sanctions on Russia/Belarus (for example buyers switching to NTR for supplies from Russian suppliers)? Thank you as always.
Read Answer Asked by Doug on March 02, 2022
Q: Hi,

I have no materials in my portfolio although lots of oil. Can u recommend two US and two CDN ETFs OR companies that you think should do well without too much volatility?
Read Answer Asked by Graeme on March 01, 2022
Q: Retired, dividend-income investor. Reading lots about supply chain shortages (semi-conductors, copper, steel, etc). How are we best to play this?

Should we consider selecting companies within specific industries (Copper Mountain or Teck comes to mind) or should we go the ETF route (via ZMT or another suggestion via 5iR)?

A dividend would be a bonus. BTW, in the materials sector I already own NTR.

Please list some companies that I can research.

Please list some ETFs that I can research.

Read Answer Asked by Stephen on September 20, 2021