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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Can you recommend any stocks that would benefit if China invaded Taiwan? I was thinking along the line of military, resources, submarine, sea technology stocks, etc. But if you know of any other ones that would be great too. Thanks.

Read Answer Asked by Helen on April 22, 2024
Q: Hi there, can you comment on the merits of KRR's news today?

Can you add any further information on Ramelius, its size, quality of assets, financials, etc?

Would this be a good fit for KRR scaling up, if it happens?

Any other rumors/speculation out there of someone else jumping in for KRR or other possibilities you feel would be better for KRR, your thoughts would be appreciated?

Read Answer Asked by Hussein on March 12, 2024
Q: Good morning, Gold hit an all time high today and its up all day. But the GDX, AEM, and ABX went the other way into negative territory. How is this possible , can you please explain?? In August of 2020 when gold hit $2060 for a brief moment , GDX, AEM, and GOLD hit all time highs and today they are 40-50 % lower .
Read Answer Asked by George on March 11, 2024
Q: Sir. In the spirit of weeding the garden, I find myself well down in these stocks…with a time frame of 1 year , please comment on which to keep or toss how…. 5i had good things to say about many of these in the past, but we all know that times change quickly in this business…
Read Answer Asked by James on February 05, 2024
Q: There are some rumours ABX will step in with a bid to takeover FM. I understand ABX has experience taking over mining companies shut down by 3rd World Governments. Then smoothing things over with the government leading to a re-start. FM certainly seems to be a candidate with their big debt. Not sure if the rumour is going to come true so I would take a pass for now. “Buy on Rumour, Sell on News” seems in this instance to be bad advice. However governments need some money coming in and their people need income too.
Read Answer Asked by James on January 08, 2024
Q: Hi, can you recommend 2 US and 2 CDN metal stocks for a long term hold to total a 8% total position in metals? I'm ok with medium risk. If you have other choices besides the ones I've mentioned (CMC, FCX,CCO, RS, STLD, AMR) please suggest them.
Read Answer Asked by Graeme on January 03, 2024
Q: Good morning,

Do you think it may be prudent to swap out Franco Nevada shares now (considering the growing list of political/legal headwinds) for something else?

If so can you give a Canadian suggestion for gold exposure, along with two other picks (any sector) for a possible year-end through January bounce (CAD or US)? Thanks. Brad
Read Answer Asked by Bradley on November 30, 2023
Q: Is there any particular reason why the miners are doing so poorly against the price of gold? Is this a buying opportunity or is the market anticipating a downturn in gold prices? Would you prefer buying the metal (eg. GLD) or the miners (eg. AEM, ABX, BTO)?
Read Answer Asked by Mike on August 10, 2023