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Q: Hi there, I have an interesting question regarding sell equities from a global etf to live on in retirement. I would sell once a year to set aside money for yearly living expenses. I suppose indiscriminately a person could do this on Jan 1 every year but presumably the ideal time to sell equity to live off would be at their yearly highs. Based on this presumption, technically and seasonality wise historically when would be a good time in the year to pull expenses to fund a years worth of living expenses?
Read Answer Asked by Michael on July 19, 2024
Q: Hi Everyone!! Kathy Wood was interviewed by Amanda Lang recently and her crystal ball says that the areas to be in, which will do well ,are robotics, energy storage , Ai, block chain and multiomic sequencing. Do you agree? And if you had to chose a company which best represents these five fields, what would they be??

Read Answer Asked by Tamara on July 16, 2024
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