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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Hello 5i,
I recently asked a question regarding icln , which as you mention, is an etf in clean energy area. I asked whether it might respond similarly to AQN and other stocks mentionned in the article you recently wrote on possibility for a rebound with changing rates.

I am interested in this etf, but the stronger possibility of Trump entering the Whitehouse, this time legitimately, worries me. If I can trust what I read, he has made deals with Big Oil and sees climate change as Woke propaganda. This makes me hesitant. How would you see a Trump presidency affecting this sector? although, if it affected the US sector, I imagine it would also affect the Canadian stocks, as well.
thanks for your great service
Read Answer Asked by joseph on July 04, 2024
Q: Good morning 5i,
I just read your excellent report on Canadian companies which could rebound with a changing economic environment, especially concerning rate cuts. You mentionned AQN and a Brookfield clean energy company.

I imagine the same dynamics would hold for US stocks. I was wondering specifically, whether ICLN might be an American company similar to the Canadian ones you mention?
thanks for the great service
Read Answer Asked by joseph on July 03, 2024
Q: Hi
I recently learnt about the AI energy consumption issue. What opportunities/threats does this issue pose to investors? Are there specific subsectors or types of companies (within the energy sector) that will benefit from or be hit through the course of the AI story?
Any specific recommendations ETFs or stocks?
Thank you
Read Answer Asked by Ahmed on June 14, 2024
Q: What are likely to be the most durable investment themes for the next 5-10 years or more, and what would be the best ways to play them?
Read Answer Asked by Brian on January 24, 2024
Please also advise if any of these don't need to sell.(TAX REASON)
Highly appreciate your opinion.
Read Answer Asked by Nizar on December 18, 2023
Q: CROX,DG,FOX.F,INMD,IRSG,ICLN,PERI,OPRA,PDF.Which looser not to sell, which to buy back?
Read Answer Asked by Nizar on November 21, 2023
Q: ISRG,DLB,CROX,DG,OPRA,PDFS,ICLN,INMD,RTX,ALB ALLUS are looser which one to keep and which one not.
I know quite many stocks in one question but for a senior over 75 I find hard to take advantage of portfolio analytics as I am not tech savvy.
Read Answer Asked by Nizar on September 12, 2023
Q: I’m looking for a global fund, primarily green with medium risk. Would appreciate 4 or 5 names in order of preference.

Something similar to Mackenzie Greenchip Global Environmental All Cap A
Read Answer Asked by Barrie on August 21, 2023
Q: I'd like to build on Brian's question of July 24th regarding electrification. I have
a small position in Hammond and a couple of full positions in renewable power producers.

If you wanted to build a small sub-portfolio of stocks for the green energy trend, which companies (and how many) would you include? How much of a total portfolio might you allocate in this direction? Would you include a copper producer or consider this part of your materials allocation?

One area that seems to get very little discussion is companies that make systems to control electrical grids, and I think this will need some focus as generation becomes more distributed (e.g. rooftop solar all over the place). Suggestions in this area would be especially welcome if you think there are players worth consideration.

Thanks for your help, and for all the other people who ask public questions. I learn a lot from their queries!
Read Answer Asked by Dave on August 15, 2023
Which stocks need to sell or all of them.
Read Answer Asked by Nizar on August 15, 2023
Q: I need to raise some $US cash soon. Could you please rank these stocks for how they would perform during a recession? Thank you.
Read Answer Asked by A on May 05, 2023
Q: i am interested in buying a intorenewable energy . is it better to by an ETF ( need a name ) or a company. what companies would you recommend ?
Read Answer Asked by brian on December 13, 2022
Q: Hi 5i,

I currently own the above noted renewable energy utilities. I am thinking of selling AQN. If I did so, (and I would like to keep it in renewables) would you recommend putting the proceeds towards one of the above or something like NPI or possibly a renewable energy ETF. Could you recommend 1 to 3 ETFs?

Read Answer Asked by Brian on November 15, 2022
Q: Hi

Thinking of selling ICLN I am down 21% and replacing it with VDE.

Why!! I think the clean air flavor of the month is dead for a while and want the ride oil shortage.

Also METV still not show the intraday price on my Portfolio Analysis.

Thank you


Read Answer Asked by Mike on March 07, 2022