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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Hi team. I have ZWU as my main utilities holding @ 11% and I also have positions in BCE and ENB on their own. ZWU has both BCE and ENB in their top 10 holdings. In your opinion am I participating in "di-worsification" by holding BCE and ENB outside of ZWU. Would you sell both BCE and ENB and fold the funds back into ZWU? I'm ok letting ZWU go to +/- 15% of my portfolio. Appreciate your thoughts. Bill.
Read Answer Asked by William on May 14, 2024
Q: Seeing as BCE is down, would it make sense to reduce BCE and enter into RCI.A and QBR.A. ? They seem more cyclical and are down as well. Or ride out BCE?
Read Answer Asked by John on May 07, 2024
Q: I like ATS but am down a bit over the past couple of years. PA suggests I boost my US positions. Im not optimistic about Canada's medium term growth prospects when compared to the US so this might be a good time to make some portfolio adjustments. I'm considering selling ATS and buying a US industrial, perhaps URI. Your thoughts, please. In the same vein, I am looking at Canada's telecom sector and I'm down in both BCE and T. Of course, both pay hopefully sustainable dividends. The US telco sector doesn't look much better. I'm considering bailing on the telcos and adding QCOM as a quasi-surrogate. I know it's rated as tech but telco's are all giving me headaches. Your thoughts please. Al
Read Answer Asked by alex on March 20, 2024
Q: Hello team,

I have all four of these in my income portfolio. The telco's for the divs and Park Lawn and BEP for income and growth. All four are down substantially (20-30%) from purchase in fall of 2022. The news out on BCE is less than flattering, while there has not beeen much on PLC. The other two I assume are biding their time, and should/might rerate with a drop in interest rates. I am a long term buy and hold and am quite satisfied with the income aspect of my portfolio, but my finger keeps getting itchy each time I see a drop in SP, for no reason at all.

My question is, will these Companies need rate cuts in order to rerate, or is their business that bad that their SP continues to stagnate. I know the other shoe about the economy improving, but that applies to all stocks, and have taken that into consideration.

Thanks for the service, I'd be lost without it. My former finacial advisor, not such a big fan!
Read Answer Asked by Kelly on March 05, 2024
Q: A dividend account, BCE down 16,%, BIP.Un down 14.5%, BEPC down 23%, DOO down 23% as well. Also own BN and BAM. Brookfield entities are 17% of the portfolio.
Do I sell my losers, knowing they're suffering from higher interest rates or simply stay patient?
Do you see concentration risk ? How high would you let the Brookfield entities run? I think DOO is a good firm but it could go. Please deduct questions as you see fit. Thank you in advance. David
Read Answer Asked by David on February 20, 2024
Q: Hello - I am an income investor. My view has been to construct my portfolio with companies that pay growing dividends as a way to offset inflation. With BCE’s announcement of reduced expected dividend growth in the future I am considering shifting that portion of my portfolio somewhere else. Can you please provide the stated expected ranges of dividend growth (as a %) of these companies? Please take all the credits you wish. Thank you
Read Answer Asked by Mark on February 12, 2024
Q: I purchased BCE awhile back for its very good dividend and some modest growth, thinking it was more “bond” like.
Now with the recent news I am not so sure this is the case. I am overweight in it and wondering what to do with it, whether to keep it and collect the dividend, or if it would be better to sell it or at least some of it.
I could use the loss to offset some of my gains I guess, but I am unsure what is the best move. I don’t need the money, so would probably reinvest the money in another stock.
I am asking for your advice on this investment.
Thanks so much for your past service, it has always been most helpful.
Read Answer Asked by Shirley on February 12, 2024
Q: I have these stocks in my TFSA and most are doing okay. I have some extra cash to use to either beef up or buy another stock or ETF. I’m an income investor with also an interest in growth. Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks in advance. I appreciate your work immensely.
Read Answer Asked by Deidra on May 09, 2023
Q: Hi
I'm trying to build a concentrated portfolio of Canadian dividend payers. If I want to add a few more names for diversification and safe/good yield, what others would you recommend?
Read Answer Asked by Carlo on March 14, 2023
Q: Non registered account : I sold a majority of stocks in 2022-2023 in order to convert them into a diversified dividend ETFs portfolio.I though intend to only keep" safe stocks for long term".Please could you rank them in this "safety perspective" , a "hold,buy, or sell" comment would be greatly appreciated,considering the fact that in this case,selling a stock would result in "buying an ETF in the same sector" .Many Thanks for your excellent website ,J-Y
Read Answer Asked by Jean-Yves on March 13, 2023
Q: I like the high dividend paying shares of NYMT. Do you see any reason for a Canadian like me to pass on buying it for my RRSP.
After some research it seems to me that I would not pay tax on the dividend payout received in an RRSP. Can you verify that?
Other well respected dividend paying shares such as Bell (BCE) and Enbridge are Canadian companies so I could hold them in my TFSA without any tax implications. I am also noticing CM (Cibc) for long term RRSP or TFSA hold. BNS.TO, Also Telus KEY.To, Hydro one I won't mention Rogerw because I just don't like the way they do business. VDY.To. ZWP.TO covered call ETF. ZWE.TO is another one.
looking to get creative and make my own portfolio but not to proud to buy an ETF for income. I know you have an income portfolio I appreciate that and will look through it again. Looking for feedback for this strategy. I am a 50 year old Canadian citizen living in Canada looking for long term holdings.
Happy New Year - all the best.
Read Answer Asked by Daniel on January 09, 2023
Q: Hi,
I am low on energy and pipelines, as ENB.TO is my only holding in this sector. Most of the available cash I have on hand is in a US dollar RSP account, which I do not have to convert to a RIF for another 4 years. I've listed some stocks that have my attention, and wonder if it is reasonable to purchase now, as they're mostly at new 52 week highs, except OGS and VZ. Do you think these will still have room for further gains, or am I essentially too late and taking a risk these will roll over quickly as we inch closer to a US recession? Are there others you would prefer that aren't listed and any of the above that would be higher risk in this market environment? Take the appropriate points for the multiple questions. Thanks for you continued valuable insight!
Read Answer Asked by Dawn on March 07, 2022
Q: My wife has $75,000 to invest in her TFSA, in which she is also holding 100 shares of TD Bank along with 100 shares of TD in an RSP. She is retiring in a month has a defined pension plan, CPP, OAS. But she is still looking for dividend income either monthly or quarterly to supplement her income.
We are looking at going with "Beating the TSX Portfolio 2022" but also looking at ZWU and ZWC which look like they could bring in more income but higher fees. What are your thoughts? Thank you.
Read Answer Asked by Brian on February 16, 2022
Q: hello,
What would be your pick of six or seven Canadian names for a concentrated portfolio for "safe" and reliable income. Open to income trusts as well. Is my list "ok". What would you change? Aiming for better than 5% yield. Thanks
Read Answer Asked by Carlo on February 07, 2022
Q: Please rank re: distribution increases and share appreciation. Any other suggestions for income/safety would be welcome.
Read Answer Asked by Steven on November 18, 2021
Q: Hi We are a retired couple using our rrifs for income. We have been waiting for the right time to put our 10% cash to work. Please advise in order which of these selections to top up is best now or wait or don't buy at all.
Read Answer Asked by Peter on October 20, 2021
Q: How likely is is that the Feds permit the merger of Rogers and Shaw but then allow foreign ownership of telecoms in Canada. If so, which of the two, Telus or Bell, is likely to be bought out? Even if they are not bought out, Bell and Telus might still do better with less competition. Or the Feds may impose conditions on the merger that benefit BCE and Telus. In any event, I am not sure there is any downside to owning Bell or Telus, and the real possibility of capital appreciation. I leave out Cogeco in my analysis as the controlling family appears not interested in a takeover.
Read Answer Asked by Murray on March 18, 2021