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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Hi - can you please give your perspective on why the shares have performed so poorly despite the company having such "sticky" tenants? I would have thought that the business would have been so predictable (due to the type of tenant) and therefore easy to "manage" into a reliable long term moderate growth company....but it hasn't. Going you think the sticky tenants offer a positive way forward for the company?
Read Answer Asked by Doug on March 13, 2024
Q: Gentlemen: I have held some shares of this in my TFSA for some time but see it has decreased in value since last October. I dont have to sell but wonder if you see any good news on the horizon or would I be better selling and getting something else
Read Answer Asked by Ken on February 13, 2024
Q: Hi Peter and Staff

Long time holder of NWH.UN as a small part of my REIT basket. Been thinking i woukd just hang on (in my RRSP so no tax loss benefit ) but reading more on AP.UN that I used to own and wondering if that would be a better albeit still risky option than NWH.UN going forward

Thanks for all you do
Read Answer Asked by Dennis on December 08, 2023
Q: Question: My portfolio shows me the above are all down below my purchase price between 23 and 34 %. Would they be good candidates for a tax loss sell and repurchase after January 1
Read Answer Asked by Ken on November 13, 2023
Q: Fortunately I sold PRV.un and NXR.un over a year ago and now wondering if it is time to repurchase. I'm reminded of Warren Buffet's expression to be "greedy when others are fearful" and there is lots of fear out there at the moment. In your opinion, what are the three most important ratios when evaluating REITs and what are the yellow (caution) the RED (danger) zones for those ratios? What are the ratios for the subject REITS?
Read Answer Asked by Brendon on October 26, 2023
Q: What are your thoughts about this as a US/CDN high yield income portfolio? Any ideas would be appreciated. Please take as many credits as needed.
Read Answer Asked by Gregory on October 18, 2023
Q: Each of MPW and NWH.un seem to be having issues despite their ostensibly strong medical business strategies. Can you recommend medical properties ETF/Landlords who are doing better vis-a-vis growth/dividend?
Read Answer Asked by David on August 21, 2023
Q: Please sort the list if you were assigned a task of bottom fishing.
Firstly sort them (best to worst) in terms of growth perspective for next 3-5 years.
Secondly sort them from fundamentals/safety perspectives.
Ignore diversification.
Also feel free to add your own favorite bottomed pick.
Read Answer Asked by Jabs on August 16, 2023
Q: Good day,

I did some rebalancing based on your response to my Feb question. I bought GOOG which paid off, GXE which sort of didn't (yet), and held the rest, and definitely should have listened on LLY and TFII... Wow.

My NVDA took off, and I believe ZWT mostly gained from it and the mega caps as well. NWH.un continues to wallow.

I'm looking to diversify, as I'm heavily concentrated in tech and Energy. Are there any materials that you expect to have a high demand on the horizon? Similar to Uranium/Lithium

Would you take some NVDA gains, and sell ZWT (I hold AMZN, GOOG, NVDA, TSLA separately), Sell NWH, in the current market, and then where in the above sections would would distribute it? Did I miss the boat on TFII and LLY?

I've also held BNS on and off the last 5 years, would you exit that in the current interest market?

Please recommend a couple options in each of a few sectors that you find most compelling right now, thanks.

[Apologies for the disjointed question, the text box on mobile is pretty small]
Read Answer Asked by James on August 14, 2023