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5i Recent Questions
Q: Hi team. I have ZWU as my main utilities holding @ 11% and I also have positions in BCE and ENB on their own. ZWU has both BCE and ENB in their top 10 holdings. In your opinion am I participating in "di-worsification" by holding BCE and ENB outside of ZWU. Would you sell both BCE and ENB and fold the funds back into ZWU? I'm ok letting ZWU go to +/- 15% of my portfolio. Appreciate your thoughts. Bill.
Read Answer Asked by William on May 14, 2024
Q: Seeing as BCE is down, would it make sense to reduce BCE and enter into RCI.A and QBR.A. ? They seem more cyclical and are down as well. Or ride out BCE?
Read Answer Asked by John on May 07, 2024
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