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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: A couple of questions.
1. Do you believe we are in an AI bubble with all these high P/E ratios and continued media coverage of AI.
2, That said what would be your top 3 AI stock picks and top 3 AI ETF choices.

Thank you,
Read Answer Asked by Dick on June 25, 2024
Q: What are likely to be the most durable investment themes for the next 5-10 years or more, and what would be the best ways to play them?
Read Answer Asked by Brian on January 24, 2024
Q: In my previous question, I asked for recommendation for a few AI-related stocks. Your response to my question included a link to a page that contains individual AI-related stocks. I clicked on it, but the link didn't work because of an invalid url.

Would you please either provide the names in your reply or send me another link with a valid url.

Read Answer Asked by Harry on August 28, 2023
Q: I would like your suggestion on an ETF for AI. I currently hold ROBO and it has done quite well. Consequently, I am looking at THNQ as well as BOTZ, IRBO and RBOT. Of these mentioned which would be your preference. Do you have any other suggestions? Thank you

Read Answer Asked by Stella on July 19, 2023
Q: I am interested in Ai which stock or ETF should I start with?
Read Answer Asked by Nizar on May 23, 2023
Q: Its pretty obvious that AI is going to be a big investment thesis this year and likely for a number of years. It looks like it will be very disruptive, which will create investment opportunities. With that will come hype and promotion of low quality companies that will get propped up in the wave of AI. Like crypto, NFT's, etc etc I think AI will probably be the next craze, and a lot of money will be made and lost. But so far the only recommendations I'm reading about are mega caps like Nvidia, Apple, GOOG which can do well but they aren't going to be multibaggers. Do you have any insight into smaller companies that may benefit most from this AI boom? Looking for game changing smaller companies that have the best chance at multibagger gains? Thx
Read Answer Asked by Adam on April 18, 2023
Q: Can I get your 3 or 4 picks for Ai stocks or ETF,s
Read Answer Asked by Scott on April 10, 2023
Q: Hi Team,
I'd like to start positions in an aggressive growth portfolio in the artificial intelligence, genomics, renewable energy (and EV) sectors (2-3 positions per sector). Holding time 2-5 years.
Also considering Bionano Genomics (BNGO).
1. Please rank the sectors for expected growth. Are there any others I should consider? Are they already overbought/overpriced?
2. Please rank the stocks in each sector for expected growth. Are there any others I should consider?

Read Answer Asked by Michael on February 18, 2021