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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: A couple of questions.
1. Do you believe we are in an AI bubble with all these high P/E ratios and continued media coverage of AI.
2, That said what would be your top 3 AI stock picks and top 3 AI ETF choices.

Thank you,
Read Answer Asked by Dick on June 25, 2024
Q: Is this the best instrument for taking advantage of AI for those of us who lack the interest/expertise to determine which stock(s) are superior in this sector? Your suggestions re:alternatives are very welcome… Thanks
Read Answer Asked by David on January 02, 2024
Q: I would like your suggestion on an ETF for AI. I currently hold ROBO and it has done quite well. Consequently, I am looking at THNQ as well as BOTZ, IRBO and RBOT. Of these mentioned which would be your preference. Do you have any other suggestions? Thank you

Read Answer Asked by Stella on July 19, 2023
Q: Is there an ETF that has all these 7 companies pls?
Read Answer Asked by Ron on June 08, 2023
Q: Please give your assessment of this ETF - AIQ. It appears to hold stocks that have been driving the S&P500 higher this year so do you see any more upside? How much growth do you see for AI in the short and long term? For a growth theme would you put new money into this for 2-5 years? Thanks in advance and please deduct credits as you see fit.
Read Answer Asked by K on May 23, 2023
Q: Can you provide me with an artificial intelligence ETF both canadian and US.
Also what large and small capstocks are at the forefront of this new trend.
Sort of like Microsoft, intel and Cisco in their infancy.
Read Answer Asked by Helen on August 19, 2022
Q: Dear 5i.

I like the idea of investing in the Data theme but would like to take the single co risk out by looking for an ETF that has several of the ones you like imbedded? Can you help me identify one (or more) please.
If none available, which 3-4 of the names you like would create a suitable basket?

Thanks for your help.
Read Answer Asked by Arthur on June 13, 2022