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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Hi with interest rates beginning to edge lower what would be the sectors most likely to benefit? Could you give me a couple of your favourite picks for each of those sectors. Would you be edging in, fully buying in, or hold off for a possible October correction? With the likely chaotic return of Trump to the Presidency would the Renewable stocks such as BEPC be at risk of correcting under this scenario? He does not like windmills much... Thank you for your service and deduct credits as you see fit.
Read Answer Asked by Harry on July 18, 2024
Q: What are likely to be the most durable investment themes for the next 5-10 years or more, and what would be the best ways to play them?
Read Answer Asked by Brian on January 24, 2024
Q: I’m looking for a global fund, primarily green with medium risk. Would appreciate 4 or 5 names in order of preference.

Something similar to Mackenzie Greenchip Global Environmental All Cap A
Read Answer Asked by Barrie on August 21, 2023
Q: Hi 5i,

I currently own the above noted renewable energy utilities. I am thinking of selling AQN. If I did so, (and I would like to keep it in renewables) would you recommend putting the proceeds towards one of the above or something like NPI or possibly a renewable energy ETF. Could you recommend 1 to 3 ETFs?

Read Answer Asked by Brian on November 15, 2022
Q: Hi! Doing some cleaning up and wondering if these are buy, sell, or hold. In reference to Shane's comments I also agree that it wasn't too long ago that so many advisors were recommending growth stocks at lofty prices. Having always been a more of a value investor I dipped my toes, but am feeling like I'd be too scared to ever enter any kind of a growth stock again. I know if interest rates peak you feel these can do well again but only time will tell and many investors have lost lots of money on the high growth names like in Cathy Wood's funds. Happy to hold any of these names if there could ever be a turn around. Thank you!
Read Answer Asked by Neil on November 09, 2022
Q: Dear 5i team.

May I please have your updated views on TAN? Last flurry of Q's date back to Oct'21 when it bumped it's trading head at the 100 dollar range for several weeks before beginning current decent to 60ish.
How do the technicals/fundamentals look to you today and is it time to begin a small position?

Many thanks for your help.
Read Answer Asked by Arthur on January 26, 2022
Q: I recently asked about TAN and thanks for the reply. I understand that you think the sector still has legs. I realize (as you say) one stock will carry much more risk than an ETF but I am seriously thinking of switching from TAN to PLUG. What are your thoughts on this move and your current thoughts on PLUG? Does anything better in the sector draw your attention? Thanks as always.
After thought question: Or just say ... you can't lose with GOOG and go with that?
Read Answer Asked by Dan on June 02, 2021
Q: One of the largest tech crashes .com bubble in the Nortel days took years for these companies that survived to get back to where they were. The same thing is happening today probably on a smaller scale. Would it not be better to get out of these and into something else or into cash as they just fall day in and day out? Or, do you think by the end of the summer will they have bottomed out and have some encouraging results? Waiting for your guidance. Thank you.
Read Answer Asked by Dennis on May 13, 2021
Q: Hi group how would you play the green energy space -ICLM or? also what is your top pick in the EV space and why - appreciate your views
Read Answer Asked by Terence on April 07, 2021
Q: I'm interested in investing in renewable energy companies by way of ETFs. Would you consider now to be a good time to start positions in ETFs based on your short and long term views for the sector. Secondly, what would be you favourite choice for an ETF that represents the Canadian renewable sector and one for global exposure to the renewable sector.
Read Answer Asked by Les on April 06, 2021
Q: Hello 5i Team
I have read the Q/A on many of these stock already , but due to the current market correction and the stock rotation .How would you rate these stocks today and would you sell any of them .Is there futher down side risk on these stocks .What would you recommend ? Please deduct credits as you feel appropriate .
Thanks for you continous service and excellent ongoing advice.
Read Answer Asked by claudio on March 06, 2021
Q: Hi team,
Any views on SPDRŽ Kensho Clean Power ETF (CNRG-N) ? How would you rank it with ICLN, TAN, FAN and QCLN for a growth investor ? In other words, what are you best suggestions in the clean power sector ?

Have a good week,

Jacques IDS

Read Answer Asked by Jacques on March 02, 2021
Q: Good evening team,
Do you have any thoughts about this new BMO ETF 'ZCLN'. Please rank any other 'Green/Renewable' ETF's that you like - both US and Canadian please.
Much appreciated, Patrick
Read Answer Asked by Patrick on February 09, 2021