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5i Recent Questions
Q: Dear 5i
Is now a good time to invest in the emerging markets ? I'm considering ZEM , VEE , and XEC .Which would you recommend for an RRSP account? Do you really think there is a major shift to small cap stocks currently and if so do you see it continuing for awhile ?
Bill C
Read Answer Asked by Bill on July 12, 2024
Q: HI Everyone,

My portfolios (Non-Registered, RRIF, TFSA) consist of only 100% Canadian equities and Cash. I am retired and would finally like to add some excitement and diversity to my holdings. Can you please suggest some Global/International or US ETF's and/or other funds that I could consider.

In my current mish-mash of holdings; I presently own: BCE, T, ENB, AP.un,H&R-un,BN, CSU, TOI, LMN, EDV, K, VET, WSP, LSPD, Anergia, Copperleaf, Softchoice, ATD, and WSP, etc.

Thanks very much,

Read Answer Asked by Dean on July 10, 2024
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