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5i Recent Questions
Q: Were I to invest in a Growth/Income pairing of healthcare stocks, would you recommend XLV/THQ or XLV/LIFE? I am currently very happy with my XLV/LIFE combination but would appreciate your input re: the use of THQ...
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Read Answer Asked by David on July 19, 2024
Q: What would be your top thee picks for US Market ETFs today and why? (10+ year hold)

Read Answer Asked by Kyle on July 17, 2024
Q: Hi Peter, Ryan, and Team,

We hold IHI in our non-registered investment account, and I recently looked at US News ( which stated:

“The main issue holding weight-loss drugs back is their exorbitant price tag, with Ozempic clocking in at $980 per month and Wegovy at up to $1,300 per month. If weight-loss prices fall or if insurers and employers start covering their costs for consumers, that could negatively impact medical device-oriented funds like IHI.”

Do you concur with this view? I note that XLV has surpassed IHI in four out of seven periods from one month to ten years. Alternatively, since Portfolio Analytics indicates that we need to increase Healthcare exposure, would starting a new position in XLV at this time be prudent?

Thanks in advance for your advice.

Read Answer Asked by Jerry on May 06, 2024
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