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5i Recent Questions
Q: With most companies having reported earnings, which would be your top 5 with respect to ‘best earnings’? Thank you
Read Answer Asked by Arash on May 16, 2024
Q: HI folks
Sadly, I am down on all of these somewhere between 60 to 95%!!! They mostly but not all started out as somewhat small positions 2 to 4 years ago! I have time to wait longer but: 1)are there any that are absolute failures and therefore should be sold. 2) Would you please rate the selIs from 1 to 10 ..10 being the absolute SELL. 3)How many years should I give these? (tough to answer but just a guess). I will not get much at all for any of them! Please take as many credits as you see fit.
Much Thanks and happy Family weekend
Read Answer Asked by El-ann on February 21, 2024
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