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Q: Hello team.

JD Vance has said he wants a lower US dollar. What would be 3 or 4 stock market based consequences / implications be if the US dollar was and remained significantly weaker? Lastly, what type of policies do presidential administrations have that they can use to purposely devalue their dollar?


Read Answer Asked by john on July 19, 2024
Q: Is the negative book value a concern for the company. I see some online people claiming the stock is undervalued, however, how can that be if it has a negative book value. Is the dividend safe?
Read Answer Asked by Dominic on July 17, 2024
Q: I am currently only hold MG in the consumer discretionary sector and need to increase my exposure to the sector. MCD, SBUX and LULU have all dropped over the last few quarters with worry of the US consumer pulling back their purse strings. What are your thoughts on those three and what Canadian stock in the consumer discretionary sector interests you today? Long term buy and hold investor.
Read Answer Asked by eric on July 18, 2024
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