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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Hello team.

JD Vance has said he wants a lower US dollar. What would be 3 or 4 stock market based consequences / implications be if the US dollar was and remained significantly weaker? Lastly, what type of policies do presidential administrations have that they can use to purposely devalue their dollar?


Read Answer Asked by john on July 19, 2024
Q: I am currently only hold MG in the consumer discretionary sector and need to increase my exposure to the sector. MCD, SBUX and LULU have all dropped over the last few quarters with worry of the US consumer pulling back their purse strings. What are your thoughts on those three and what Canadian stock in the consumer discretionary sector interests you today? Long term buy and hold investor.
Read Answer Asked by eric on July 18, 2024
Q: Is the negative book value a concern for the company. I see some online people claiming the stock is undervalued, however, how can that be if it has a negative book value. Is the dividend safe?
Read Answer Asked by Dominic on July 17, 2024
Q: Hi Group can you please rate in order of your preference for short term trading not to buy and hold . Give me the ones with the most potential to grow. Most of the ones I have identified have been in the tank lately and should be ripe for some sort of recovery. Also if you have any good ideas that fit the criteria please feel free to add/rate the opportunity as you see it.
Read Answer Asked by Terence on July 15, 2024
Q: Hi Peter,
Is US dividend stocks suitable for RRIF with no withholding tax? My thinking is that US dividend does not receive any tax benefits in non registered account and is taxed like interest income. With on-shoring and tariffs, US inflation will not eased too much, and may go up again in the next few years. Hence, interest rate will not be much lower and consumers spending will be weaker for longer. Giving this scenario, and for my RRIF account, what will be your top picks for US dividend paying stocks with solid balance sheets, that will able to maintain their share price and dividend payments through a mild recession? Thanks.
Read Answer Asked by Willie on July 10, 2024
Q: There are some really beaten down stocks that have been known as "blue chip" investments over the years. Which of these stocks do you feel represent the best opportunity in order of priority buy.
Read Answer Asked by Jeff on July 08, 2024
Q: Hi group in view of upcoming mortgage renewals over the next 2 yrs. Do you see an increase in chip reverse mortgages which in turn should fuel growth in EQB " any idea how much of their business is in reverse mortgage's. In addition apparently lots of people cancelling or restructuring their house insurance what you thoughts and does an entry point make sense in IFC .

Also is JPM the way to play us banks or do you see something different What's your thought's on Financials overall going fwd. I am very light in the sector (1%) so can you make some recommendations

thanks for your help with this

Read Answer Asked by Terence on June 05, 2024
Q: Hi group I have taken profits on QSR,MCD,GSY,BYD,WSP,CSU,ARC. So my question in what order and at what price do i get back in i own the others, as listed so please rate them also for adding same format. Thanks for your help with this
Read Answer Asked by Terence on May 17, 2024
Q: This stock is up 3.1% YTD and 17.6% 1 Year.

Not a bad performance but certainly underperfoming the general market.

There are a lot of excellent companies on New York and Nasdaq that have a much steeper growth profile than QSR.

If you were to look at the universe of their consumer segment of the market which US company do you feel would have the highest growth potential over the next 3 years. (Other than SBUX)

With thanks

Read Answer Asked by Sheldon on April 03, 2024
Q: Can you suggest US companies with safe, high dividends? Other than Financial or Energy. I'm considering GIS but am open to other ideas. thank you
Read Answer Asked by alex on March 04, 2024
Q: Hello, thank you for your last answer on 5 industrial and consumer names suggestions with a brief reason for each. Now, I would like you to suggest 3 names of the same, but chosen within the CDRs offering. Thanks!
Read Answer Asked by Martin on February 13, 2024
Q: Looking for top 5 dividend stocks ( with good dividend growth ) from overall return perspective. 5 US and 5 Canadian. Thanks
Read Answer Asked by RUPINDER on February 07, 2024
Q: Could you please tell me which 3 GICS sectors you would expect to outperform over the next 3 years (excluding Technology), and a brief explanation of why? Also, could you please give me your top two stock picks (not ETFs) for each of those sectors ? Could be US or CAD stocks but I am looking for stocks that also pay a dividend. Greatly appreciated. Thank you.
Read Answer Asked by Toge on January 30, 2024
Q: The U.S. is growing much faster than Canada. Canada’s much slower economic growth relative to the U.S. seems to be related namely mortgage debt, Given this situation, can you suggest 1) Individual U.S. stocks for capital gain 2) Individual U.S. stocks that pay dividends, and 3) U.S. ETFs? Thank you
Read Answer Asked by Ronnie on December 14, 2023
Q: MTY or QSR: which best buy? I am thinking mild recession - maybe better price of entry later? I do not own any stocks in this group. Not sure I need to own? Not big dividend growers which is my mantra. Too many good blue chips avai8lable that are good dividend growers.
Read Answer Asked by James on October 19, 2023
Q: Do you see interesting dividends stocks down that we should keep an eye on with potentiel harvesting tax-loss season coming? Canadian and US stocks with a good balance sheet.

I have been looking at dir.un, plc, ko and pfe
Read Answer Asked by Francois on October 11, 2023