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5i Recent Questions
Q: Searching for a stable high dividend US ETF for my RRSP. Looking at VYM and SCHD or perhaps you can recommend a different high dividend ETF? VYM has 450 holdings and SCHD 104; VYM appears to have a bit lower P/B and P/E. 10 year return for SCHD is 11.03% and 9.38% for VYM; SCHD also has a higher yield. Thanks for your comments!
Read Answer Asked by Grant on January 12, 2024
Q: I am looking for a good large cap USD ETF for my RRSP. I am 68 years old and would like a stable ETF with a lower P/E and OK dividend, hence considering RSP:US rather than the S&P 500 with a high P/E. Overall want an ETF with a good total return over 5 years.
I am considering the above 3 ETFs or perhaps you know of something better.
Read Answer Asked by Grant on December 08, 2023
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