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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Interested in your thoughts on this one .... Global X Russell 2000 Covered Call ETF (RYLD). What is the ROC level and any thoughts on the reason for the steady decline over the last 3 years. Also, would you consider it relatively "safe" for a retired investor ... maybe @ 5-7% of total portfolio value.
Read Answer Asked by Randy on June 11, 2024
Q: Hello,

My mother, who is 72 years old, recently received an inheritance. She is looking to invest this money in her TFSA and would like to use it to generate monthly income while also aiming for some growth. Could you please suggest a few ETFs that would be suitable for achieving these goals?

Thank you,

Read Answer Asked by Derek on May 28, 2024
Q: In your answer to me on the BMO and Hamilton covered call ETF's regarding " return of capital " you refer to ZWB having a return of capital of 75% and HMAX as 84% .... Your answer basically addressed taxation which in my case is inside a RRIF account...... And in a follow up question from Bruce you give a brief explanation. I don't think I understand what the term means as to me it sounds like I am getting my own money back which strikes me as a bad thing. Could 5i explain just what exactly the term means ? And whether or not it is a good thing, bad thing , or nothing to be concerned about ..... Thank you as always for your sound advice .....
Read Answer Asked by Garth on April 15, 2024
Q: Regarding both BMO { ZWB, ZWU,ZWT, etc. } and Hamilton { HMAX, UMAX, FMAX, etc. } covered call ETFs, do either use a return "of" capital as part of their distributed yield ? ..... If so how much and would it be a deterrent from buying them ? I have put the word "of" in quotation marks as I think it means I am getting my own money back ? ..... Thanks for your always sound advice .....
Read Answer Asked by Garth on April 12, 2024
Q: All different holdings, but what would be your order of preference (based on expected total return) with the next 12 months in mind. Thanks as always, great service.
Read Answer Asked by Curtis on March 06, 2024
Q: Just finished reading the Money Saver's email warning " Avoiding The Yield Trap " on covered call ETF's . Where it mentions ETF's yielding in excess of 10% yet uses a BMO banking covered call as an example . I believe all the Hamilton ETF covered call products yield in that 10% or better area and in the case of the banking ETF ZWB used as an example, HMAX yields 15% which beats ZEB's 10 year return by over 5% . And that doesn't take into account the 50% of the HMAX portfolio that contains the underlying stock which should return 50% of the return on ZEB .....If ZEB over 10 years returns 9.6% then HMAX should return the annual yield of 15% plus 4.8% reflecting the 50% of the portfolio containing the underlying stock .... There will also be a small capital gain/loss reflecting the covered call side of their holdings which I have no idea how to calculate so have ignored .... Please explain how I would be missing out growth in the banking sector using the example the Money Saver used were I to purchase HMAX instead of ZWB ? 15% + 4.8% = 19.8% which doubles ZEB's return ...... Please explain the flaws in my logic. { I suspect they are there I just don't know what they are }

Also could 5i give me a list of all the Hamilton ETF products that operate like HMAX { 50% of the portfolio with the underlying securities } with an explanation of what sector they represent, their current yield in percent , and annual dividend amount { I'd like this number so I can calculate the yield on any given day while I follow them and make my decisions on whether and when to purchase }

Thanks for your great service in helping us DIY investors ......
Read Answer Asked by Garth on February 26, 2024
Q: For a long term hold (15 years) in a RESP, would you prefer ZEB or ZWB and provide reasons why. Also any other suggestions would be appreciated.
Read Answer Asked by David on December 01, 2023
Q: I would like to put about 50% of my portfolio into safe, higher yielding (10%+) Canadian focused ETF's or Mutual Funds, and adjust my holdings as needed going forward based on sector performance. I feel that both Banks & Utilities are nearing lows and that a further correction may occur in the general market due to tax loss selling or possibly one more rate hike. Do you feel that the mix of ETF's listed provide a safe way to invest with the goals indicated? What % for each, as part of the 50%, would you recommend as a holding, and how would they be treated for tax purposes? Thanks for the great service and please use as many credits as necessary.
Read Answer Asked by Will on October 25, 2023
Q: Would like to get your view on ETFs that use covered call options to enhance returns. As interest rates plateau and eventually begin to fall is there anything 'in general' that we can expect from these ETFs? Will the share price increase, like bonds, to bring yields more inline with expectations or is the share price more influenced by the underlying share prices of the stocks held in the ETFs?
Read Answer Asked by Larry M. on September 18, 2023
Q: I am at a point in my life where I am looking to my investments more for income than growth. My question concerns how you might incorporate a strategy that are includes "dividend" stocks that pay a low yield. eg HD, TRI, CN etc. Assuming you wish to obtain an overall yield of 4% - 5% from your portfolio (in order to satisfy RRIF requirements while maintaining some growth) I would think it best not to load up only on high yield stocks and continue maintain a balanced portfolio. To achieve the necessary income should one invest in low dividend payers and sell a portion of the low yield dividend payers annually in order to achieve the be needed income; go a bit overweight on high yield equities in order to juice the income; or just forget about balancing the portfolio?

Any thought you have would be greatly welcomed.

Appreciate the insight.

Paul F.
Read Answer Asked by Paul on September 14, 2023
Q: If you had $20,000 to invest today for and Income with some growth investor in an otherwise well diversified portfolio, what would you pick or just add to?
Read Answer Asked by Martin on August 28, 2023