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5i Recent Questions
Q: Looking for an ETF that you feel would be a good candidate for growth plus a fairly high dividend (5% or more).
Thank you for your good service, looking forward to your answer.
Read Answer Asked by Earl on July 10, 2024
Q: Just opened a new TFSA. Looking for advice on how to invest the 15K. I am retired and would like a yield of 7% or higher while at the same time protecting the capital (I do hold PSA in my RRSP account and it offers ~5% limited risk return ... so if I can't get at least 7% from something else then why bother). I'm thinking an ETF might be the best route for diversification. I want to avoid ETF's with high ROC,"higher" risk, etc. Not adverse to covered calls. Any words of wisdom for me ?
Read Answer Asked by Randy on June 10, 2024
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