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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Interested in your thoughts on this one .... Global X Russell 2000 Covered Call ETF (RYLD). What is the ROC level and any thoughts on the reason for the steady decline over the last 3 years. Also, would you consider it relatively "safe" for a retired investor ... maybe @ 5-7% of total portfolio value.
Read Answer Asked by Randy on June 11, 2024
Q: Just opened a new TFSA. Looking for advice on how to invest the 15K. I am retired and would like a yield of 7% or higher while at the same time protecting the capital (I do hold PSA in my RRSP account and it offers ~5% limited risk return ... so if I can't get at least 7% from something else then why bother). I'm thinking an ETF might be the best route for diversification. I want to avoid ETF's with high ROC,"higher" risk, etc. Not adverse to covered calls. Any words of wisdom for me ?
Read Answer Asked by Randy on June 10, 2024
Q: Hello,

My mother, who is 72 years old, recently received an inheritance. She is looking to invest this money in her TFSA and would like to use it to generate monthly income while also aiming for some growth. Could you please suggest a few ETFs that would be suitable for achieving these goals?

Thank you,

Read Answer Asked by Derek on May 28, 2024
Q: Hi Peter,
For my RRIF, I want to invest in covered calls ETFs that generate high income with some growth potential for long term hold. Given the current market with possible near term interest rate cut, please share your top four Canadian listed covered call ETFs and top four US listed, with their respective current yield. Thanks.
Read Answer Asked by Willie on May 16, 2024
Q: On march 28 question ,I was interested by the topics and by your answer,that seems to consider the 3 ETF in the same category :"HMAX would fit in this category as it does employ a covered call strategy targetting Canadian financials and primarily the 'Big 5' banks. Some covered call ETFs we like are QYLD and XYLD. We also think Hamilton ETFs line of covered call ETFs is solid, although some are very new and small which we would watch out for. ". Personnaly I did not choose QYLD and XYLD since I don't consider them in the same category as HMAX and others ETF as BMO ETF etc.. QYLD exerts options on 100% of its portfolio,wich limits upside and could lead to a significant long term downtrend; this is not the case for HMAX whose options are on 50% of its portfolio and consequently it keeps some upside potential.Is my comprehension OK or Do I miss something?
Read Answer Asked by Jean-Yves on April 02, 2024
Q: I understand that TGED and TUED ETF's use both Call and Put option strategies to produce income. One is a global ETF and the other is a US stock ETF both available on the CDN exchange. Can you help suggest some ETF's available on the US exchange that use both Call and Put option strategies targeting the World and US stock markets. thanks
Read Answer Asked by Ian on February 28, 2024
Q: JEPQ uses ELNs(up to 20%) in order to generate covered calls instead of writing covered calls on its assets that would limit upside potential.This means that JEPQ has a capital appreciation potential,and at the same time offers significant monthly income.I suppose though that QYLD will be less volatile than JEPQ.If I wish to take avantage of a future NASDAQ recovery and also obtain a revenue,JEPQ seems to me more interesting than QYLD .To summarize my question : is my impression OK ,and are there any avantages to hold QYLD instead of JEPQ ,(except of the higher yield ?
Read Answer Asked by Jean-Yves on February 06, 2023
Q: QYLD writes calls options ATM on "100% of assets" wich means on all NASDAQ index or all assets ? I seems to me impossible and much to risky to sell call options on 100% of the NAV of the fund( since they could have to sell all of the fund eventually ..) but it would be logical for me to sell call options on a certain % of all the NASDAQ index (a % on 100% of NASDAQ 100 stocks)! I read that this % was 2%,but I found nothing about this point on global X website except this "calls on 100% of assets"...Did I misunderstand the whole principle of this fund ? thanks for explanations
Read Answer Asked by Jean-Yves on December 31, 2022
Q: I have all three in my RRSP account. QYLD and XYLD weren't good performers this year and, to add to the misery, they reduced distributions lately. JEPI was performing much better and they kept their distributions virtually unchanged. When we get market recovery, do you expect JEPI to outperform QYLD and XYLD or QYLD and XYLD are likely to outperform JEPI as they dropped more this year? I am considering selling QYLD and XYLD and buying more JEPI. Thoughts?
Read Answer Asked by Michael on October 31, 2022
Q: I’d like to start a position in one or more income funds that offer a very high yield, but I’m not sure which ones to choose. As of Wednesday Oct 5th, these are the indicated yields I’ve found:

CLM 23.92%
PDBC 20.65%
SDIV 15.31%
QYLD 14.19%
RYLD 14.05%
XYLD 13.05%
BIGZ 11.01%
JEPI 10.94%
PDO 10.90%
PDI 10.79%
BXMT 10.38%
MPW 10.17%
STWD 9.84%
EIT.UN 9.42%
IDV 8.15%

Would you recommend any of these or do you have other suggestions? Are any of them too risky if the bear market deteriorates from here, or can they all be held long term? Are some of these yields too good to be true, like CLM and PDBC? Thanks for your thoughts.

Read Answer Asked by Brian on October 11, 2022
Q: Looking to add to my income portfolio and trying to decide between QYLD, RYLD, XYLD, HHL-U and Keg-un. Can you recommend which you would select for a patient 68 year old and your reasoning behind your choice please. Thanks again.
Read Answer Asked by Dan on August 02, 2022
Q: What is your view on QYLD as a place to stash cash in the current market? Looking at the chart, although its unit value has dropped since inception, it seems to have held its value on a total return basis - would you agree? Any better recommendation?
Read Answer Asked by David on March 14, 2022
Q: Could 5I please give me the annualized return for QYLD dividend plus capital gain/loss for the last five years..... Looking at the chart in my TD Webroker it looks like not much more than the dividend . Which TD shows as 11.35% ...... I'd like to get two numbers if I could ..... One ignoring the current correction in the NASDAQ { 2022 } and one including it .......Thanks Garth
Read Answer Asked by Garth on February 04, 2022
Q: I have enjoyed the ride up in the markets over the last year but am now looking to shift a chunk of dollars out of what has been labeled the Cathie Woods stocks. And potentially give up some upside potential for income.

With that in mind I am looking for high dividends with consistent payouts.

Looking at these etfs as a GROUP would they meet this criterion? ie payouts remain relatively stable if the market dips as some are predicting right now.

A drop in share price could be tolerated but the prospect of a significant decrease in the monthly dividend would not.

I guess this is a risk reward kind of question.

THANKS for any guidance you can provide.
Read Answer Asked by Donald on August 31, 2021