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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: I recently upgraded my subscription and received the Canadian Money Saver magazine subscription, which I'm really enjoying. In the most recent issue there is a page of top US dividends within a certain criteria. I was surprised at the number of funds paying 10% plus divs. I realize that this isn't always a safe investment, but in light of rates falling, I wonder if you have a few suggestions for high dividend paying etf's (US and or Cdn) or REITs that would have capital preservation (generally maintain share price, or increase) as the rates come down, but realize income through the div.
Read Answer Asked by Kim on July 23, 2024
Q: I’d like to start a position in one or more income funds that offer a very high yield, but I’m not sure which ones to choose. As of Wednesday Oct 5th, these are the indicated yields I’ve found:

CLM 23.92%
PDBC 20.65%
SDIV 15.31%
QYLD 14.19%
RYLD 14.05%
XYLD 13.05%
BIGZ 11.01%
JEPI 10.94%
PDO 10.90%
PDI 10.79%
BXMT 10.38%
MPW 10.17%
STWD 9.84%
EIT.UN 9.42%
IDV 8.15%

Would you recommend any of these or do you have other suggestions? Are any of them too risky if the bear market deteriorates from here, or can they all be held long term? Are some of these yields too good to be true, like CLM and PDBC? Thanks for your thoughts.

Read Answer Asked by Brian on October 11, 2022