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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Hello 5i Team

Are US "mortgage reits" similar to Canadian Mortgage Investment Corporations?

Could you please provide a few ideas of US mortgage reits for me to research?

These would be held in an US$ RRSP, to minimize any tax considerations.

Would the distributions be similar to US corporate dividends and not US MLP distributions (K-1 tax form) which are problematic to hold in RRSP accounts?

Thank you
Read Answer Asked by Stephen on May 10, 2024
Q: I’d like to start a position in one or more income funds that offer a very high yield, but I’m not sure which ones to choose. As of Wednesday Oct 5th, these are the indicated yields I’ve found:

CLM 23.92%
PDBC 20.65%
SDIV 15.31%
QYLD 14.19%
RYLD 14.05%
XYLD 13.05%
BIGZ 11.01%
JEPI 10.94%
PDO 10.90%
PDI 10.79%
BXMT 10.38%
MPW 10.17%
STWD 9.84%
EIT.UN 9.42%
IDV 8.15%

Would you recommend any of these or do you have other suggestions? Are any of them too risky if the bear market deteriorates from here, or can they all be held long term? Are some of these yields too good to be true, like CLM and PDBC? Thanks for your thoughts.

Read Answer Asked by Brian on October 11, 2022
Q: Good morning,

I'm considering adding a small position of BXMT in my Non Reg US portfolio to generate some additional US $ income. With a 7% yield, how safe is this distribution and would you recommend any other name in its place to achieve my objective? Also, your thoughts on TF in my RSSP account would be appreciated. Thank you
Read Answer Asked by Francesco on October 19, 2018