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5i Recent Questions
Q: Can you explain the differences between money market funds PSA and CIB238? Which generally provides the better rate of return? Looking for somewhere to park money when not in use. Which would you recommend?
Q: I'm comparing Psa and Hisa etfs and it appears Psa has a slightly better monthly payout. Am I correct? Thanks John
- Purpose High Interest Savings Fund (PSA)
- Global X High Interest Savings ETF (CASH)
- High Interest Savings Account ETF (HISA)
Q: Is there a cash holding to invest in that is not locked into a term (like a GIC but with no term), so, with full liquidity? I'm thinking of a high-interest type account within an RRSP so I can go to cash a few months in advance of need for the cash, but still incur interest on the cash as I wait to make a monthly withdrawal. I invest with RBC Direct Investing in case that's helpful - perhaps there is an RBC product that suits my needs.
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