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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: I am setting up an income RRIF and thanks for all your your answers to my questions. I would like to add one potential growth stock because that is me. It won't be a huge % say 3. Can you suggest a couple CAD and USD each? Thanks again. Dan
Read Answer Asked by Dan on May 03, 2024
Q: Good day,

Did a huge portfolio makeover a few months ago, almost entirely with your picks (minus a few that didn't click for me) and some of my high own high conviction names. For the most part, they've all done pretty well, with the exception of the last few weeks.

1. Is the last few weeks just overall uncertainty/retraction?
2. bep and bip are down ~15%, is it worthwhile getting out and averaging down BAM or BNS?
3. ATS and CELH are down after large runups after I bought. worth buying/averaging down on one of these?
4. DCBO and NXT back to scratch after huge runs. Do you expect those levels to return? Timeline wise? NXT spun from FLEX, but Flex continues to climb
5. KXS is down 8%, and seems pretty spikey over the last 5 years. Just wait for the next one? Should this start to create more of a steadier trend upward?
6. I bought POWL, and it's basically done nothing, thoughts on the company now? alternatives?
7. I saw a youtuber vid that really loved POET for the coming months years. I was telling a friend about it yesterday because I like (and understand) the technology and what it could do. He literally bought some while we were talking yesterday morning and he's up 30%... Are the company fundamentals/contracts improving? or could it just be hype from youtubers and the like?

Almost all of these had some pretty significant periods of running since I rebalanced in Jan/Feb. I know market timing is not a solid practice, but in a lot of these growth names, at what point is that jump worth moving on from, freeing up some cash for another opportunity down the road? And how do you determine whether it's time or not?

Finally, in the event that your attitudes have changed on any of these, do you have a top 3 CAD, top 3 US new ideas over the last few months that have really turned the tide/become strong buys that I may replace/add?

Thanks for everything!

Read Answer Asked by James on May 01, 2024
Q: Good Morning
These stocks are in my wife's US Riff account
What US stock or stocks would you recommend as an addition to this list?
She is overweight in both finance and tech in her Canadian Riff so looking for alternative suggestions with some growth and a modest dividend?

Read Answer Asked by Marcel on February 21, 2024
Q: Dear Peter,

This question is based on your excellent article in Canadian Money Saver Nov/Dec 2015! How time flies, eh?! Titled: Setting up a US income portfolio with call options.

Several years ago I had asked if you have written any follow articles on this strategy? If you have, please post the links for all of your subscribers. That would be helpful.

But my question is this:
Based on the criteria that you highlighted in that article if you had to choose Five stocks what would those stocks be today?

I am semi retired senior citizen who can allocate 10-15% of my portfolio to this strategy.

Many thanks in advance.
Read Answer Asked by Savalai on April 28, 2023
Q: How do you feel about the short term and long term for Garmin after their earnings? Do you feel confident in their management? How do you feel about the inside ownership? What area of their business us their biggest source of revenue? How do you feel about their financials…and any other pros snd cons…and lastly is it a screaming buy now? a or a hold? or sell?
Read Answer Asked by James on July 28, 2022
Q: Hi I’m a long term investor, and currently very heavy on Tech. I’m currently searching for a non tech name for an RRSP for a long term hold. I’m more focused on growth as I have time on my hands. Outside of tech, I hold ATZ, HON, BAM, GSY, SQ, COST. Can you please list your top 10 favourite US companies?

Thanks for everything
Read Answer Asked by Nick on June 09, 2022
Q: Given your recent answer regarding CROX, I had a look at the sector and noticed big moves yesterday. Also many of these are very near lows for the year. My question is would you put money to work in the sector now? Do you have a few favourites and is there an ETF that emphasizes this retail/clothing part of consumer discretionary as opposed to something like XLY which emphasizes very different segments? Thank-you again.
Read Answer Asked by Alex on April 19, 2022
Q: Hello,
I have Flutter Entertainment shares OTC due to the all share deal from owning TSGI years ago. My question is should I sell these shares now and rebuy them with US dollars on a US exchange, that way if I make a large profit in the future it is less of an exchange fee? Or is there another company in the consumer sector you would recommend altogether?
Thank you,

Read Answer Asked by Tori on March 01, 2022
Q: Please list in order (first to last) your top five US cyclical stocks. If APPL isn't one of them, please explain why not. Thank you.
Read Answer Asked by Maureen on March 01, 2022
Q: Hi Peter and 5i,
Would you please comment on GRMN earnings?
With regards to their future guidance for next year - Sales $5.0B up to $5.5B, GM% - 57.5% down from 58.0% (also down more so from previous years), Pro forma EPS $5.90 basically the same as this year at $5.82.
I like their $3.1B cash position.
Do you think supply chain issues are the main driver for their GM% reductions and thus their EPS in 2022 guidance? And do you see GRMN returning to their steady growth (single and sometimes low double digit) beyond 2022 and would you continue to hold this stock for the long term (5 years +)?
Read Answer Asked by Dennis on February 17, 2022
Q: I currently hold Starbucks in our dividend portfolio. Given the rise in wages and new union issues would you continue to hold? If not Starbucks, is there another stock in Consumer Discretionary that you prefer for dividend growth?
Read Answer Asked by Gerry on January 09, 2022
Q: Hello 5i,
Portfolio Analytics indicates that I need to add about 1.35% to my Consumer Discretionary/Cyclical and further that I need to increase my U.S. exposure by about 3.05%, so I am looking for a U.S. name that pays a decent dividend above, say, 2.25% in this sector & geography.
Some names that came up from a link (U.S. Dividend Aristocrats) you had previously supplied, in response to another question, that I was considering are:
Genuine Parts - GPC
Leggatt & Platt - LEG
McDonald's - MCD
VF Corp - VFC
So, my questions are:
1. Out of my list are there any concerns over dividend safety?
2. Safety of business in general?
3. Given my need for dividend income in this sector, would you have any other suggestions you might prefer over these names in terms of safety of both business and dividend?
My current Cons. Discretionary/Cyclical holdings are LNF in Canada and MGA (Magna) on the U.S. side.
Retired, income-oriented investor otherwise well-balanced and diversified.
Thanks for any help you can provide - always very much appreciated!!!
Read Answer Asked by Mike on October 25, 2021
Q: Hi Team,
I am currently reviewing my TFSA and the current holdings within that account. I am looking for your thoughts if any of my holdings should be adjusted or removed/trimmed, or if you had any suggestions for new buys. My focus in this account is growth for a 10yr+ period. I hold the following stocks, listed as a % of my tfsa: LSPD (32.3%), CELH (9%), Docu (5.6%), Fb (19.3%), Pltr (4.9%), SQ (12.2%), TTD (8.9%), U (7.9%). Thanks

Read Answer Asked by Shane on September 22, 2021
Q: Any recommendations for US or international (listed on US stock exchange) stocks for RRSP and TFSA accounts to help overall diversification with non-registered accounts that are overweight Canada geographically and within that financial, energy, and utilities overweight. Thanks.
Read Answer Asked by Peter on September 17, 2021