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Q: Good Morning, Can I please get your opinion on the recent earnings of Viemed and Profound Medical? Are they worth holding for several more quarters, or is it perhaps time to move on. I know you don't have many ideas for Canadian healthcare stocks, other than WELL (which I own), but if you wanted to switch to another CDN or US healthcare stock, what might you consider? Thanks. Brad
Read Answer Asked by Bradley on March 13, 2024
Q: Hello 5i Team,

Can I please get your current opinion on Profound Medical? Do you see it as a buy, given the risk level? The recent earnings call sounded very optimistic with a deal signed to install their prostate cancer/BPH thermal ultrasound treatment in 20 Cleveland Clinics across North America. They also mentioned a code approval in the US effective January 2025. Thanks. Brad
Read Answer Asked by Bradley on November 14, 2023
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