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Q: I am pretty close to full positions on LIFE, XIT and XST. Also, I am sitting on <5% cash, being basically fully invested. Over the next few months I plan to top up these 3 ETFs.

In what order would you add to each of these 3, based on their current valuations, compared to their historic valuations as well as their potential?

My thoughts were LIFE, then XST, then XIT (although I suspect your order would be XIT-LIFE-XST). Please include a brief "why".

Thanks for your help...Steve
Read Answer Asked by Stephen on May 07, 2024
Q: Dear 5i team.

Are the holdings in these two different enough to hold both? Is the lower mer of life good enough reason to only own it?
Understanding that they are covered call etfs, which non covered call etf would compliment them best to gain upside to sector rallies?

Thanks for your insights.
Read Answer Asked by Arthur on April 10, 2024
Q: Hi 5i, we need to increase our Healthcare allocation.

Currently hold XLV in our non-reg account, and are satisfied with it.

We need to use CA$ funds in our RIF's to increase, and are looking
at HHL, XHC, and LIFE (little unsure with LIFE as their website has faulty info).

We are looking for income plus some growth.

Could you provide some analysis of these 3 options,
and any other suggestions that you might see.

Thanks as always for your assistance. T.
Read Answer Asked by Terrance on December 01, 2023
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