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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: The fixed income portion of my portfolio is fairly low. Would now be a good time switch from equities into fixed income in bonds, or has the horse left the barn? What would be, in your opinion, some suggestions for fixed income?
Much appreciated.
Read Answer Asked by Francisco on July 16, 2024
Q: I was watching an interview with David Rosenberg and Ed Devland. They were stating that the Canadian interest rates are going to have to be cut several times due to economic conditions. Can you recommend investment strategies to benefit from this . For example bonds going up in value because of the inverse relationship of interest rates and bond values. What bond etf's ect. Can you give US recommendations also, as it sounds like the Us will be later than Canada.

Read Answer Asked by Brian on June 12, 2024
Q: Bloomberg article today summarized:

Forget the stock market or private credit. Fixed income will outstrip other asset classes after “a generational reset higher in bond yields,” according to Pacific Investment Management. “Active fixed income is positioned to perform well if there are no recessions over our secular horizon and to perform even better if there are,” Pimco’s Richard Clarida, Andrew Balls and Daniel Ivascyn wrote in an outlook released Tuesday. As prices climb and inflation recedes, they expect bonds will be even more attractive than cash.

Can you offer some guidance/thoughts on this? I’m a growth investor primarily in stocks, and not familiar with bonds.

Can we benefit from some torque? What would be your top ETF plays in this?
Read Answer Asked by Franc on June 05, 2024
Q: On Dec 28 you responded to a question from Cal about covered call bond funds, and made a recommendation as he requested. However, in your comments I got the impression that you felt now may not be the right time to buy this type of fund due to the potential for higher bond prices and lower yields over the coming months. Looking at the 2 noted above, and assuming rates do start to slide down a bit, what would you expect to happen to the ETF price and the distribution? Would you be a buyer today?
Read Answer Asked by grant on January 03, 2024
Q: Hello 5i,

Our portfolios initiated positions of TLT, VCLT, IEF, VCIT, and VAB ~2 months ago. TLT and VCLT are each at 2% of the portfolio. VAB, IEF, VCIT combined are 3%.

We will add additional funding to the ETF's. Would you recommend an increase across the board or should we focus our increase on TLT, VCLT, and VAB based on the latest talk about lowering rates?

Note: We are treating the ETF's as a stock as we have GIC's through to 2028 as our fixed income (15%). What are the triggers to indicate that the ETF's are reaching the end of the runway and a switch to individual stocks is recommended?

Thank you for your great service and Merry Christmas.


Read Answer Asked by Jerry on December 22, 2023
Q: Hello 5i,

Is there a downside (15% tax) of owning US bonds such as VCIT, VCLT, TLT, AGG, in an RRSP. If so, can we apply for an exemption for an RRSP? If not, would you switch to XTLH instead of TLT? Are there can-hedged ETF's for VCIT, VCLT, AGG?

Thank you

Debbie and Jerry
Read Answer Asked by Jerry on December 07, 2023
Q: Good morning 5i
I am getting older and not sure i want to endure too many more stock market roller coaster rides. I am therefore thinking of moving into a higher bond allocation. You have mentioned yourself that even something like tlt could be a roller coaster. I am not adverse to getting some but I would like to know from you, what bond etfs you would recommend if one wanted , for instance, a 40/60 split between bonds and stocks. I am open to Canadian, too, but my intention is to keep fixed income in our rif, therefore, i would concentrate more on us bond etfs
Thanks as always
Read Answer Asked by joseph on December 04, 2023
Q: Hi 5i Team,

I keep hearing that purchasing bonds is currently a generational opportunity given how elevated interest rates currently are and we are likely at the peak point of the rate cycle. How would you recommend approaching having exposure to bonds in order to capitalize on the opportunity?

Are there any other sectors or areas of opportunity that are out there that you think one should get exposure to in preparation of interest rates eventually coming down?

Thanks as always,
Read Answer Asked by Jonathan on December 01, 2023
Q: Hi. Which bond ETFs do you currently recommend? US or Canadian. Thank you.
Read Answer Asked by Zohreh on November 13, 2023
Q: Which do you prefer to invest today: TLT or preferred stock ETFs. For preferred stock ETFs, could you suggest a few? Please explain the reason. Thank you.
Read Answer Asked by David on November 07, 2023