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Q: This question or type of question was asked in the last week, but I can't find it. Sorry. My 2 kids each have about $100,000. I manage their money, but would prefer to just manage it through ETF's. Can you please suggest a portfolio of ETF's for reasonable growth (60-70% equities), but balanced with some bonds as well. If you want to cut and paste your answer to the question from a week ago, that would be great. Thanks a lot.
Read Answer Asked by Steve on April 09, 2024
Q: I'm curious as to the lack of a high dividend paying etf in your Income portfolio? Also curious as to your thoughts on the partial use for these in a RRIF or PLIf account ( I am in MB and we have PLIF's). I'm setting up a PLIF and considering having more than a full position of HDIV, along with big stable dividend growers I'd pick from your favorites. I have a RRSP of the same value of the PLIF and investments in TFSA. I've been 100% equities all my life, eat volitility for breakfast. If you were setting up your own PRIF, looking to make significant income, what would it look like?
Read Answer Asked by Charles on March 26, 2024
Q: I have just updated my portfolio analytics and am delighted with the results and the advice from it. 5i has been a big part of that, giving me the insight, information and confidence to make mostly good decisions.

I originally put a 30% allocation for bonds when I started 4 years ago, mostly because that's what was usually advised for those in my position (about 10 years out from retirement).

However, I have put no new money into bonds over that time because the ones I own have been the worst part of my portfolio. They did not act as ballast when the market went down - they seemed more volatile than most of my conservative equities. They also did not go up appreciatively when interest rates rose, and overall, even with the payouts, I'm in the red on these bonds over the past 4 years.

I heard you mention bonds in asset allocation on the recent podcast but I didn't sense any great endorsement of them. Other than the traditionally recommended 60-40 or 70-30 split, can you offer reasons not to sell them off and buy conservative stocks like CN, CSU, BN, etc or else broad-based index funds like XIC, XUU etc.?
Read Answer Asked by Kevin on February 26, 2024
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