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5i Recent Questions
iShares 1-5 Year Laddered Corporate Bond Index ETF (CBO)
iShares Core Canadian Universe Bond Index ETF (XBB)
iShares Convertible Bond Index ETF (CVD)
iShares U.S. High Yield Bond Index ETF (CAD-Hedged) (XHY)
Vanguard Total Bond Market ETF (BND)
Q: Hi 5i,
Currently have a large portion of my investments in equities and I am looking to invest in Bonds for the sake of diversification.
Could you provide your best ideas for Bond ETFs or any similar investment products that I should consider? This is for non-registered account.
Thank you.
Greg C.
Currently have a large portion of my investments in equities and I am looking to invest in Bonds for the sake of diversification.
Could you provide your best ideas for Bond ETFs or any similar investment products that I should consider? This is for non-registered account.
Thank you.
Greg C.
Q: I have owned CVD for a while and while it has shown decent results, I am in the unfortunate position of being unsure why I bought it! If I understand the product, a series of bonds (duration unknown to me) would rise faster than a similar bond fund without the conversion features if equity markets rose. I, therefore, assume that in declining equity markets, the fund would decrease less than the underlying equities because the bond provides a "floor" to some extent.
When the conversion price is reached does the fund buy the equity and keep it or does it sell it on the market and use the proceeds to buy more bonds?
If my understanding is correct would you not be better off buying pure equities if you expect the markets to rise and a pure bond bond if you think markets are going to decline? So I am left with the question: "What is the value proposition of a convertible bond fund?"
Appreciate your insight.
Paul F.
When the conversion price is reached does the fund buy the equity and keep it or does it sell it on the market and use the proceeds to buy more bonds?
If my understanding is correct would you not be better off buying pure equities if you expect the markets to rise and a pure bond bond if you think markets are going to decline? So I am left with the question: "What is the value proposition of a convertible bond fund?"
Appreciate your insight.
Paul F.
Q: Hi, would this be a good time to be buying convertable bonds or the ETF equivalents.
thanks. James.
thanks. James.
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