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5i Recent Questions
Q: I have these ETF's in my portfolio, although they are a small percentage. I am wanting to do a clean up of most of my partial holdings in individual stocks and purchase more ETF's. I was going to add VIG as well. Could any of these ETF's be replaced with better ones or not bother with them, and what others do you suggest to compliment them for an income investor who wants to see a little growth as well in a well diverse portfolio? Thanks.
Read Answer Asked by Pat on May 08, 2024
Q: Hi Peter & team

My son is about to graduate and will be starting his first job shortly thereafter. He is going to have approx $100,000 to invest and he asked for my help. I am recommending he start a portfolio which includes HPS.A, GDI, TVK, GSY, BNS, EQB, SIS, ATS, KXS, TOI, ATZ, DOO, ENB, BTE, LMN. I am also going to suggest 10% be placed in CASH as a rainy day/opportunity fund he can add to. Is there anything else you would have me add? Is there any of these you would have me remove? And if 10% was focused into fixed Income, what would you recommend? Please deduct appropriate number of questions.

Thanks for all you do

Read Answer Asked by Gord on February 28, 2024
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