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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: I have noticed that the real estate ETFs have been languishing over the last 10 years. What is your view of the real estate ETFs over the next 5 years? Under what conditions will these ETFs do well? What type of real estate ETFs do you expect to do well (domestic vs international, commercial vs residentical, etc.)?

Please recommend a North American and an international ETF which you feel could do well over the next 5 years. What percent of a portfolio would you recommend include real estate for diversification purposes?

Thank you for this excellent service.
Read Answer Asked by Dale on July 19, 2024
Q: Apparently, there are 11 major sectors in the S&P (Global Industry Classification Standard). Could you please list one ETF to best represent EACH major sector of the S&P? For example, would IUIT best represent the entire Info Tech sector of the S&P? It seems the SPDR funds are much more specific than the 11 GICS sectors:
Information Technology
Health Care
Consumer Discretionary
Communication Services
Consumer Staples
Real Estate

Thank you very much.
Read Answer Asked by Toge on January 19, 2023
Q: Dear 5i team.
Given the current market backdrop, if one was to take 100K and build an ETF portfolio for min 10 year timeframe, which sectors would you be comfortable buying into before year end and which ETFs would you choose to accomplish this.

Thanks for your help.
Read Answer Asked by Arthur on November 18, 2022
Q: Hey 5i,

As a follow up. What are your top picks US/CDN REIT ETF's
You'd recommend for a longterm hold.

Thank you for all the great advice!
Read Answer Asked by Adam on June 04, 2020
Q: I'm interested in 2 lo-volatility stocks, with some dividend and some momentum for a minimum of 2 years. Most of these REITs mentioned have lots of hold recommendations, but very few buys despite their recent outperformance?? Are they overbought? Can you pick 1 or 2 US REITS for me and 2 CDN reits as well?
Read Answer Asked by Graeme on August 30, 2019
Q: I currently have no investments in the REIT sector and have about 10% cash. Would you say this would be a good time to step into WPT Industrial or Canadian Apt Properties for income and some growth? Please provide your insight on a comparison. On the US side how do you view XLRE? I am retired and looking for some stability and wouldn't mind allocating to 2 properties. Thanks.
Read Answer Asked by Harvey on July 26, 2019