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5i Recent Questions
Q: I am a senior holding CDZ, ZLB & ZSP plus around 20 individual stocks. I am hoping to streamline my portfolio to 3 ETFs plus a few favourite stocks. I'm ok with CDZ and ZSP, but I wonder if I should switch to ZCN for much of my Canadian portion rather than ZLB. Have you a suggestion as to which would be more appropriate in my late retirement portfolio? I'm not looking for international investment nor for fixed income. Many thanks.
Read Answer Asked by M.S. on July 12, 2024
Q: Hi Peter, Ryan, and Team,

What do you think about the Buffer ETFs offered by BMO? Are they suitable for a retired investor who wants some downside protection and is comfortable with limited returns in a strong market scenario? Are their AUMs adequate to consider a purchase? BMO has three such ETFs: ZAPR, ZJAN, and ZOCT. Or are there other 'better' ETFs that have lower MERs, as the three cited have rather hefty MERs?

Thanks as always for your insight.
Read Answer Asked by Jerry on May 24, 2024
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