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5i Recent Questions
Q: According to my TD research, on a 1, 3, and 5 year basis, ZLB has outperformed ZCN despite ZLB's higher MER and lower dividend. Is that a reasonable apples to apples comparison? I'm wondering if it's worth it to sell my ZLB and buy ZCN or does it all work out to about the same? Thanks. And belated Happy Thanksgiving
Read Answer Asked by M.S. on October 18, 2024
Q: I am a senior holding CDZ, ZLB & ZSP plus around 20 individual stocks. I am hoping to streamline my portfolio to 3 ETFs plus a few favourite stocks. I'm ok with CDZ and ZSP, but I wonder if I should switch to ZCN for much of my Canadian portion rather than ZLB. Have you a suggestion as to which would be more appropriate in my late retirement portfolio? I'm not looking for international investment nor for fixed income. Many thanks.
Read Answer Asked by M.S. on July 12, 2024
Q: Hi, l have some cash to deploy in my cash account. I have a full position in ZCN. Thinking of buying full position in BRK and also VEQT full position.
My question is for a conservative investor 65%safer, 35% conservative growth.Would this be too much overlap of similar positions and sectors? Do you have an alternative? Thanks
Read Answer Asked by Brad on April 29, 2024
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