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5i Recent Questions
Q: COPP.TO (Global X Canada) COPP (Sprott ETF in USA) COPX (Horizon Global X USA) - Do you have any preference for a Canadian resident who wants to invest in a diversified copper ETF? Do you have an alternative suggestion to these ones? Both the COPP (Sprott US) and COPX (Horizon US) are treated as US situ property with respect to Estate taxes.
Read Answer Asked by Ford on June 12, 2024
Q: Can you please recommend your favourite metal ETF for URANIUM, COPPER and GOLD.

Thanks for the great service
Read Answer Asked by Hector on June 04, 2024
Q: Hi Peter, if I wanted the get some copper exposure which way would be best, through specific stocks or an ETF and do you have any suggestions for both at this time. Thanks
Read Answer Asked by Nick on June 03, 2024
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