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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Hello 5i,
I recently came across CCA in one of your latest screenings. I need to add about 1% to the Communications sector and already hold BCE (RRSP) and T (TFSA) as pretty much full positions - at least if they stop being 25 - 30% under water!!
With the 6% yield on CCA (and the last question asked in January), I was wondering if you had any updated thoughts on adding this one to an RRSP, soon to be RRIF, for retired, conservative, income-oriented investors OR would you just add to either BCE and/or T, or go with a new position in Rogers or perhaps VZ:US?
Read Answer Asked by Mike on May 22, 2024
Q: Hi Team,
Would you choose Rogers or Cogeco to get exposure to the wireless sector?
I would lean towards CCA due to CDPQ "partnership" that could limit the drawdown in my opinion and the high leverage of Rogers.

Second question ? Would you prefer CGO vs CCA to get exposure to Cogeco and why?

Thank you !

Read Answer Asked by Michel on January 15, 2024
Q: Hello Peter and Staff

Read an article expounding the virtues of Cogeco and its holdco . Article cited low P/E and payout ratios as well as equivalent dividend rates based on current price with expected re rating to get discounts lower than present versus BCE and T. What do you think of this and as well the option of CCO versus CCA
Thanks for all you do
Read Answer Asked by Dennis on November 15, 2023
Q: Hello 5i Team

I currently hold shares in Cogeco Communications Inc. (CCA) which currently have a capital loss.

Can I sell Cogeco Communications Inc. (CCA) and book the tax loss and concurrently purchase Cogeco Inc. (CGO) as a hedge for the next 30 days and then re-buy CCA.

Would this keep me on-side with Canada Revenue Agency and the superficial capital loss rules?

Thank you
Read Answer Asked by Stephen on January 24, 2023
Q: comment on Telus results.
Also, I know your two preferred companies in the Canadian telco space are Telus (growth) and BCE (income). I ran a comparative chart for T, BCE and CCA, the results are overwhemingly in favour of CCA at every timeframe (1 month, 3month, 1 year, 3 year and especially 5 year). Excluding dividends CCA is up 80% on the 5 year vs. T at 35% and BCE down 4%. YTD CCA is up 18% and BCE is flat in this very strong market. Is there something in the risk profile of CCA that I may be missing? Any thoughts on why CCA has been so strong YTD.
Thanks for the great service.
Read Answer Asked by Robert on February 16, 2021
Q: No rush to answer. Retired, dividend-income investor. I am a position "light" in the Communications sector. I already have a full position in BCE....looking to add one of Telus, Shaw, Cogeco, Rogers or another name you might suggest.

When I look at the various metrics (P/E, P/BV, P/CF, P/S, ROE) I filtered out Telus, leaving SJR and CCA and RCI. Reading past questions, some quite dated, I am wondering if time has changed your opinions on these three.

Shaw has a nice (5.4%) but slow-growing dividend. ROE 10%. It's chart looks good from a value point of view, but is it a value trap? Very poor momentum.

Cogeco has a lower (2.6%) but faster growing dividend. ROE 16%. It's chart shows better momentum. I also wonder whether a new takeover offer might be in the future?

Rogers is just ok across the board.

I'm leaning towards Cogeco, but wanted your advice first. What odds would you place on a take-over happening? Please rank all three in order of your preference to buy.


Read Answer Asked by Stephen on December 30, 2020
Q: Thinking of adding some telecom/media exposure to my portfolio. BCE is the only one in your portfolios. Would you buy BCE right now or do one of the others offer a better buying opportunity currently. 5 year hold, I follow a hybrid of growth and income portfolios with more recent moves toward income thus the interest in these names. Or is it evan a good time to buy into this sectors?
Read Answer Asked by Tom on December 11, 2020