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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Hi Group i am light on small caps what is the best way to play it or would you just wait?. If you like a better way than Russell growth/value please advise.

Also light on healthcare /financials/ industrials could you give me you top 2 picks (stock or ETF) in each of these sectors c/w short note on why you like them

Thanks for your help
Read Answer Asked by Terence on July 22, 2024
Q: Hi,

Your faith in resurgence of Small caps seem to be paying off! IWM is on a tear, eh?! However an article in Barron's seem to suggest that it is bit early to dive into Small caps!

Having said that, can you suggest some LOW COST Small cap ETFs both in the US and the rest of the world. If you want to give some for growth and some for value, it will be appreciated.

Many thanks.


Read Answer Asked by Savalai on July 19, 2024
Q: I’m looking to replicate IWM and IWO with US growth companies but with a Canadian registered ETF. Any suggestions or is that not a possibility.
Thank you
Read Answer Asked by Terry on July 19, 2024
Q: Hi, US Small caps are finally showing some love, with IWM - Russell 2000, up more than 10%, in past 4 days, after trading sideways for over 2 years. Experts seem to be watching this move with great interest, due its significance, pointing to expanding breadth of the market beyond a handful of Technology mega cap stocks.

My question is about the Small cap sector in TSX, which still seems to be lagging its US peers, except some strength in the materials. Is this normal, historically? What could be the reasons for this divergence and do you see this gap narrowing, in the near term ?

Your perspective would be really helpful as many of us follow your advice and Model Portfolios. Small Caps are your expertise, without doubt and you ( Peter, Ryan and Team ) are regarded as one of the Best Portfolio Managers in US and Canadian stocks.

Thank You
Read Answer Asked by rajeev on July 18, 2024
Q: I have some cash to deploy. Do you think yesterday's shift into 'other' stocks is a meaningful moment? I am not looking to sell any of the big US firms (GOOG, NVDA, etc.,) that I hold but wonder if it is an opportune time to put some of this money elsewhere. I am specifically looking at the US market and the move yesterday into RH and the like. Any sectors or specific stock suggestion that might fit this theme would be appreciated. I am thinking of US mostly, but not exclusively. Thank-you.
Read Answer Asked by Alex on July 15, 2024
Q: i would like to increase my US equity exposure which largely consists of VUN and VIG currently. I don't have a specific small cap holding but feel the lagging performance might indicate it is a good time to buy TQSM. Would you advocate buying now or waiting until October?
Read Answer Asked by richard on July 11, 2024
Q: Could I get a list of the best Small Cap ETF's to buy for Canada, USA & International?

Thank you.
Read Answer Asked by Ross on May 21, 2024
Q: I had high hopes for small caps this year, and it looks like, in the past 30 days, they finally started moving up with IWM at 5% gain and IJR at 6%. Unfortunately, my choice for small caps ETF was CALF and it barely moved up in the past 30 days. What is wrong there? I know that it is actively managed and has less holding in its portfolio... is there some problem with one of the holding? Should I sell it and switch to IJR or IWM? I know that CALF overperformed these two over longer periods of time, but the lack of momentum in the past 30 days when the small caps are up worries me.
Read Answer Asked by Richard on May 17, 2024
Q: I am interested in buying some mid- to small-cap stocks. I am tracking some of the ones you mentioned and am considering them.

For non-experts though, it seems like it would be better to go the ETF route on such companies. Do you agree and can you recommend a couple of options in CAD and USD.
Read Answer Asked by Kevin on March 06, 2024
Q: 3 short questions:
(1)XSU:CA is the TSX listed hedged version of IWM:US. Is there an unhedged version of IWM:US on the TSX?
(2) Is there a listing on the TSX for IWN:US; either hedged or unhedged?
(3) XSMC:CA (100% IJR:US) has net assets of only $35M compared to net assets of $544M for XSU:CA (100% IWM). Can I conclude from this that IWM is the more popular US small cap ETF in Canada? 5i research has suggest the IJR holds larger, possibly more stable US small caps compared to IWM.
Read Answer Asked by Grant on February 26, 2024
Q: I want to add a US small cap ETF and am looking at IJR, IWM and IWN. I recognize that all small caps bring higher risk, but can you please rank these 3 ETFs, with the ETF with the best quality stocks first, ie. rank in terms of lowest risk to highest risk. Does IJR generally hold stocks with higher market caps?
Read Answer Asked by Grant on January 11, 2024
Q: Indications are that the market breathe is improving and therefore various analysts are recommending the small cap Russel 2000 index. Would you agree and therefore have a suggestion or suggestions of how to invest in this potential opportunity. My other question is would there be a Russell 2000 ETF that you would recommend and a Russell 2000 high growth ETF that you know of?

Thank you

Read Answer Asked by kim on January 05, 2024
Q: Happy New Year everyone!

Can you please update us on your outlook for US Small Caps in 2024? Is it better to invest in US or Canada? A few selected stocks or ETF? If ETF what’s best for top return?

Sorry for all the questions please take as many credits as necessary.

Thanks happy investing!
Read Answer Asked by Robert on January 01, 2024

RB advisers recommend the following 4 themes for 2024 and as a value investor I am looking for ETF recommendations:
(1) US small caps: I am using XSU (100% IWM)
(2) US cyclicals: I found IYC but P/E is 27! Recommendation?
(3) Non-US and emerging markets: I have been using XEF and ZEM. I like XEM (100% EEM) because it posts a P/E each day.
(4) Theme 4 is "Industrials: deglobalization spurs infrastructure". No idea what ETFs to use here.
Thanks for your recommendations/comments!!!
Read Answer Asked by Grant on December 21, 2023
Q: I am looking for a US small cap ETF that is hedged to the CAD. I have been looking at XSU. Fundata in the globe and mail indicates that it follows the Dow Jones US small cap RT index but has been doing worse the this index. My questions are:
1) Do all small caps follow the Dow Jones US small cap RT index?
2) what is your impression of XSU?
3) is there another US small cap ETF that you would recommend?
Read Answer Asked by Mary on December 18, 2023