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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: In one of your answers you state that, "Software may be the 'next' wave of growth, as companies utilizing AI will now see higher margins (lower costs) as well as a possible explosion in useage cases." What would be your top choices, if this was the case. Many thanks.
Read Answer Asked by Michael on January 29, 2025
Q: First, thx for your earlier answer to my questions on Nvidia. I forgot to include a few other questions.

If appears as though DeepSeek might make AI more ubiquitous as the cost of using it would be cheaper. Wouldn't this create more demand for GPUs? I imagine more hardware players will enter thereby creating more competition thus dropping Nvidia's enormous margins. What are the current forward looking numbers? There obviously will be compression, so what do see as potential valuation if this occurs. Lastly, have moved on from the hardware companies to more of the hyperscalers and other downstream companies? Could you list a few safer companies for the last two categories?

Read Answer Asked by Christopher on January 29, 2025
Q: While picking up the pieces from the Deep Think carnage on my tech stocks, it occurs to ask which stocks will benefit from the possible reduction in the cost of AI......can you provide a short list 5 - 10 of potential beneficiaries of that? Many thanks for your excellent service.
Read Answer Asked by Leonard on January 29, 2025
Q: Good morning 5i,

VRT obviously the onslaught has continued. I'm viewing this as a potential add. Looking over their revenue, profitability etc.

Despite deepseek and all other noise. Would you wait to see a potential turn or be comfortable adding in this range?

Or do you see a more inherent risk than I?

Looking forward to your thoughts. Thank you.
Read Answer Asked by Adam on January 29, 2025
Q: Hi 5i, here goes another question on Nvidia. Did you glean anything out of their comments on DeepSeek's innovation? Many of the mag 7 are reporting in the next 8 business days, which would be the most important regarding the data centre craze? Lastly, your favorite predictive question - buy, hold or reduce?

Thx again for your service.
Read Answer Asked by Christopher on January 28, 2025
Q: I have the above tech stocks sitting at just over 30% weighting in portfolio. Could you please rank them as to which you might sell first. I sadly sold Crowdstrike last summer when they had their issues and I am thinking I need a cybersecurity stock. Would you buy Crowdstrike or Palo Alto or half of both. Also, What do you think about Saleforce? With the thought of cheaper AI, is that one that would possibly benefit and how where would it rank within my aboce tech stocks? Thanks for all your help. With all your advice, last year was awesome and still up this year following yesterday’s falloff.
Read Answer Asked by Neil on January 28, 2025
Q: Amazon's decision to close operations in Quebec and lay off workers disappoints me. I wish to sell it and find some alternatives. I already own Costco. Coincidentally Astrazeneca announced Canadian expansion plans. What do you think of their stock?
Read Answer Asked by Alex on January 28, 2025
Q: I want to take a small position in Celestica:CA. Can you estimate what would be a good, great, and fantastic price. Especially in light of DeepSeek news. I know you like the company, but I've seen some reservations in answers to some questions in the past. Do you now have any hesitation, reservations? (One of the things I note is that they were around during the Dot Com days, and have survived.
Read Answer Asked by Gordon on January 28, 2025
Q: Although I'm generally a fairly conservative retired investor, I do have a small portion allotted to small caps. I'd like to pick up some LMN. However I wondered about the potential negative impact on share price in a challenging economic environment.

Not sure if this is a good reference / comparison, but I noticed CSU had four significant drawdowns of between 24-29% between the GFC and COVID time periods. I actually thought it would have been worse than that. Considering LMN is already down 15%, and assuming possible similar stock price action, I'm getting a bit more comfortable pulling the trigger even now.

I don't want to make this a predictive question, but do you think this stock price action is a reasonable comparison? Perhaps this is oversimplifying? Do we know if the valuation of LMN today lines up with the valuation of CSU back in 2008 prior to its drop?
Read Answer Asked by James on January 28, 2025
Q: Your answer earlier today suggested CLS was not reliant on AI sales and was lower valued than AI plays and should bounce back faster from this panic selling. Can you suggest a reason why it has plunged so far (-26% today) and performed so much worse compared to almost all the AI stocks?
Read Answer Asked by John on January 28, 2025