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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: What are your five favourite software opportunities in Ai, with a brief reason why for each? It would help if you could list or rank them in terms of upside as well (most upside first).
Read Answer Asked by Brian on July 17, 2024
Q: Could you please compare the key financial metrics of OTEX vs ENGH and tell me which one you feel is the better long term hold and why. Finally, is there a canadian tech company you prefer to either of these 2?

Many Thanks
Read Answer Asked by Scott on July 17, 2024
Q: Hi Everyone!! Kathy Wood was interviewed by Amanda Lang recently and her crystal ball says that the areas to be in, which will do well ,are robotics, energy storage , Ai, block chain and multiomic sequencing. Do you agree? And if you had to chose a company which best represents these five fields, what would they be??

Read Answer Asked by Tamara on July 16, 2024
Q: Hi 5i,
These companies are all I have in the tech sector. Can you rank them for me and are they all currently buyable? I’m a long term holder of dividend companies can you recommend a couple more or maybe I should just buy more of what I have. Your help is appreciated!
Read Answer Asked by Mark on July 16, 2024
Q: My Topicus share value is about double the share value of what I have in Lumine and Constellation Software. What are your thoughts about making all three holdings roughly equal or if not equal what mix do you feel is best if considering future growth prospects?
Read Answer Asked by Stephen on July 15, 2024
Q: Hi,
Is MG a buy? It looks like it has a reasonable valuation. Tailwinds? Headwinds?

I've been holding CIX for about a year now. Got in at about $20. Can we expect some upward movement given the share buybacks and the large economic context? it reasonable to expect this stock to get to 35 or so any time soon?

Yours kindly,
Read Answer Asked by D on July 15, 2024
Q: CVO is down more than 16% so far today, why?

What is your opinion of this company's prospects over the next 1 to 3 years? Reflecting on your most recent comments last month, how has your opinion changed ?

Does the management of this company and its track record to date support it being "shareholder friendly"?

Is this the classic "falling knife" story?

Do you consider it under valued or fairly valued?

What other Canadian companies in this sector would you consider to be under valued or fairly valued today?

Please feel free to add any additional comments worthy of consideration.

Read Answer Asked by SG on July 12, 2024
Q: Pls. compare and contrast TXF and HTA and secondly what straight equity ETF's would have a similar tech leaders approach to their holdings?
Thank you, Hugh
Read Answer Asked by Hugh on July 12, 2024
Q: I came across these comments in the Globe & Mail:

“We believe the names enabling more efficient interconnect in segments such as module OEMs, analog and DSP [digital service providers] will drive the second wave of AI investments and are still under-priced for the opportunity set (especially given the run-up in power utilities).”

What companies come to mind that fit this description, and how would you rank them (starting with the best ones first)?
Read Answer Asked by Brian on July 12, 2024