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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Earlier this week a US judge ruled that Google has an illegal monopoly with its Android App Store, and the judge set out a bunch of rules that Google must follow for the next three years so as to allow for more competition. This ruling came out of the Epic Games lawsuit. Google plans to appeal and seek to pause the order. But I am confused. At the end of 2023, Google agreed to a $700 million settlement to resolve similar state and consumer concerns with its App Store. And as part of that settlement, I thought they agreed to similar changes to their App Store to what was just laid out this week. So, why are they fighting the most recent ruling? Thanks.
Read Answer Asked by Kim on October 10, 2024
Q: Hi,

May I request your expertise in assessing the Risk VS Reward IF I were to buy one of the following stocks, (plan to buy and write covered calls on) :

If this strategy is profitable, I plan to hold this stock for a long time provided it doesn't get called away!

Low Risk/Low Reward =1.
High Risk/High Reward=10

Thanks in advance.
Read Answer Asked by Savalai on October 10, 2024
Q: Hello, I have a technical question. I read recently (Motley Fool) that: At 74.4 times earnings, SHOP is arguably more expensive than NVIDIA.

As I'm fairly new to investing, why would the 74.4 times earnings make a stock expensive? What does that actually mean? And if you could add any other thoughts on Shopify as it stands now, that would also be appreciated. Thank you.
Read Answer Asked by David on October 09, 2024
Q: Motorola has had a terrific run. It’s up 46% year to date. They are not just manufacturing communication systems but are heavily into quality security systems for commercial and residential use. There hasn’t been much chatter about this quality stock on 5i.
I think it’s a gem with lots of room for growth. What are your thoughts?
Read Answer Asked by Dennis on October 08, 2024
Q: Hello,

Given the anticipated AI growth could you provide some names of companies with the largest short to long term growth potential in the following categories:

1. Chip Design
2. Data Processing
3. Business Application Design
4. Data Centers
5. Power Supply (for the Data Centers)

Thank you!
Read Answer Asked by Irek on October 08, 2024
Q: Hello, I have a small position in these four stocks and I'm up about 10 to 15% with all of them. I'd like to sell one to free up some funds. In which order would you recommend selling if you had to? I realize this is only an opinion and not advice. Thank you!
Read Answer Asked by David on October 07, 2024
Q: Hi team,
What's your take in NVDA announcement yesterday regarding the partnership with Accentra. Jensen had also mentioned in his interview that Blackwell chip demand is now "insane". NVDA stock has been essentially flat now since June. Do you see this as a healthy consolidation period with potential to breakout for another leg up? Or a caution sign? What's your prediction for the stock from here in the short to medium term? Is it time to buy more/ hold/ or take caution with a trim? Lately it feels like the NVDA stock run is over...but in my view AI is just getting started.

Read Answer Asked by Shane on October 04, 2024
Q: Hi,
Once again, NVDA is in the news - for Huang Jensen's comment today that sales of their Blackwell chips "is insane" and also for the fact that Mark A Stevens sold just over 200 thousand shares at the end of Sept. Jensen himself has also been a seller, however I see that he still holds some 800+ million shares, and Stevens retains 38 million post Sept sales. These insider sales make news, but how worried should we be when we see this sort of volume? Logic tells me that Stevens' amounts to around 1/2 a percent of what he owns, Jensen's recent sale is about .001 of his total. Would you just ignore the insider sales and focus on the high interest generated by the Blackwell chips?
As always, you're clear headed thinking is appreciated - thanks!
Read Answer Asked by Dawn on October 04, 2024