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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: This has been my only gold stock but except for a nice dividend, it has gone nowhere with the price of gold skyrocketing.
I’d like to replace it with something with more torque. Any suggestions! AEM and WPM have skyrocketed. Would they still be buys? Perhaps B2gold will move next year when their mines come on stream?
Read Answer Asked by Helen on October 24, 2024
Q: Which of these three gold stocks would you go with, one of the 2 juniors (DNG or BTO) with the higher divys and potential capital growth or the larger more established AEM for its size and stability, or a blend of both?

Gold seems to be on an up trajectory so stocks should follow bullion!!


Read Answer Asked by David on May 28, 2024
Q: Hi there, I am down 40-80% on BTO, CGX, and WELL (as well as Andrew Peller, which I already know to sell based on your dropping coverage). I am wondering if there is any point on still holding these stocks, or if I should just sell them so I can put the remaining money somewhere else?
Thank you!
Read Answer Asked by Jo-Anne on April 02, 2024
Q: My allotment to precious metals is now down below my target of 5%. I need to add to bring up this part of my portfolio. I have a full position in AEM. Which of PAAS, SSRM, BTO, KRR or FNV should I add to at this time? Or do you have another precious metal company that would be appropriate at this time?
Read Answer Asked by Steven on February 14, 2024
Q: Sir. In the spirit of weeding the garden, I find myself well down in these stocks…with a time frame of 1 year , please comment on which to keep or toss how…. 5i had good things to say about many of these in the past, but we all know that times change quickly in this business…
Read Answer Asked by James on February 05, 2024
Q: I have held MRE in my TFSA for the past couple of years and have done "okay".
However, I'm looking at moving into something with more total return potential and am considering either BTO or DPM, as I feel both could do well in a strengthening gold market (which I can foresee over the next year or so).
Which would you lean towards and why?
Thanks, Rick
Read Answer Asked by Richard on January 19, 2024
Q: Greetings:
If you were establishing a position in gold miners, which would it be with reasons. B2 has hardly come off it's low with a nice dividend, Why? Must be a reason. I have been following gold closely for 50 years, and usually it amounts to no more than the rate of inflation, even though people like your old boss Eric was calling for $5,000.00 gold 15 years ago. However, one shouldn't knock all that hot air because it made him many millions.

Thanks, Ben.
Read Answer Asked by BEN on December 22, 2023
Q: Gold above $2050 would be bullish I think. Wondering what your thoughts are on this asset category at this time and looking for your top two large and small cap picks that would have torque to a higher gold price.

Also a comment on the dividend sustainability of B2 would be appreciated.

Thanks folks
Read Answer Asked by Robert on December 01, 2023