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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Aside from AI what industries do you think will do well over the next year, both CDA and USA? Can you pls recommend specific stocks or ETFs in those industries?
Read Answer Asked by Ron on May 23, 2024
Q: Hi there, can you comment on the merits of KRR's news today?

Can you add any further information on Ramelius, its size, quality of assets, financials, etc?

Would this be a good fit for KRR scaling up, if it happens?

Any other rumors/speculation out there of someone else jumping in for KRR or other possibilities you feel would be better for KRR, your thoughts would be appreciated?

Read Answer Asked by Hussein on March 12, 2024
Q: Gold is at new highs but based on a review of recent answers, gold miners are not seeing share price appreciation because of the costs of production and other factors.
Are there any gold stocks that you think are worth buying?
Read Answer Asked by Murray on March 06, 2024
Q: My allotment to precious metals is now down below my target of 5%. I need to add to bring up this part of my portfolio. I have a full position in AEM. Which of PAAS, SSRM, BTO, KRR or FNV should I add to at this time? Or do you have another precious metal company that would be appropriate at this time?
Read Answer Asked by Steven on February 14, 2024
Q: 1. Most gold mining stocks are not going anywhere since 2020. I’m looking for juniors for possible growth. CXB is getting traction since its Marathon Gold acquisition. You have already suggested KNT, KRR, ORLA. I find ORLA interesting and many analysts follow it. Would you compare CXB with the other 3 for future growth?

2. Would you have a reference for ranking countries as per their “friendliness”/risk for mining companies, eg african, latin american ones.

3. Is GDXJ really represent “junior” miners ?

Merci, Denise
Read Answer Asked by Denise on February 01, 2024
Q: I plan to add to my gold stock holdings as I have recently sold some bullion. I have concerns about unsafe jurisdictions such as Panama even though I would consider Franco-Navada because of its recent haircut.
May I have a couple of stocks in each of the small, mid and large cap size that are more politically secure and are quality companies?
With appreciation,
Read Answer Asked by Ed on January 19, 2024
Q: Greetings:
If you were establishing a position in gold miners, which would it be with reasons. B2 has hardly come off it's low with a nice dividend, Why? Must be a reason. I have been following gold closely for 50 years, and usually it amounts to no more than the rate of inflation, even though people like your old boss Eric was calling for $5,000.00 gold 15 years ago. However, one shouldn't knock all that hot air because it made him many millions.

Thanks, Ben.
Read Answer Asked by BEN on December 22, 2023