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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: I have a few "balance" portfolio positions in my trade account that I am wondering about transferring to my TFSA. From 5iR answers, I take it growth is one factor to consider for possible positions for a TFSA and also a preference for less cyclical business companies.
MX is a dominant primary supplier but might be like a little cyclical what with seasonal demand by customers.
Then there is TFII that is growing through acquisitions but is tied to the general economy which is cyclical in nature.
Also, NFI has to business segments, buses and RV, and good backlog but is volume of business depends on municipal funding for transportation vehicles and then for RV, the "wealth" of folks...both segments have volume variability over time.
For growth, there is VB, although a smaller company relative to the other three.
With this, would you consider these good TFSA candidates? And if so, what order would you rank them, like first to last?........Thanks.....Tom
Read Answer Asked by Tom on January 03, 2019
Q: Thanks for your service! Can you comment on the above? Income and growth. Also, could you give me your top 5 income primarily, growth secondarily.
Please deduct appropriate amount of credits.
Read Answer Asked by Bill on January 03, 2019
Q: After some frantic selling to beat the tax loss deadline I'm now in position to re-acquire the stocks sold.

The three I intend to re-acquire are: NFI, GSY and TFII, and what order should I re-acquire them? Certainly the order of the buy back should be based on the timeline of the foreseeable share price recovery, if at all. Thanks.
Read Answer Asked by Victor on January 02, 2019
Q: Good morning 5i,
I should say right away, thanks very much for the heads up on Jnj. I took your advice and got out in the summer!
but, I unfortunatly do have some that are still in loss territory. I am worried that these are probably down at their lowest point and that there may be a rally in the New Year that I would miss if I sell for tax loss.

I wonder what your thoughts are on that? Also, if you think that there isn't much of a chance of them coming back soon, how would you rate them as a sell, ie which one most likely to stay down for 30 days?
Read Answer Asked by joseph on December 20, 2018
Q: Hi Peter,
Please deduct as many credits as you see fit. I have some losers (some big) as per below:

Margin account
CLIQ down 52%
PHO down 37%
MX down 20%
TFII down 23%
ECN down 13%
NFI down 11%

GUD down 17%
CLS down 20%
DOL down 38%
TSGI down 47%

DOO down 43%
COV down 26%

Here are my questions.
1- Should I claim the capital loss with CLIQ and PHO and repurchase in 30 days?
2- Are there any names there that I should just sell and move on to something else? What would be your top 3 replacements for the removed names in that case?
3- My initial thought was to inject new money in CLIQ, PHO, DOL, TSGI, DOO and COV to bring these names back to my initial weight. Would this be a good move in your opinion?
These names are part of a diversified portfolio and don’t need the funds for another 10 years minimum.
Much appreciate your service. Your responses to this market volatility have kept me from panicking as I did in 2008. I thank you for that.
Read Answer Asked by Marco on December 17, 2018
Q: Hi,
For the Industrial portion in my RRSP account, I am considering the above companies. With RTN, I wanted to diversify outside of Canada with a large cap stock. Do you see any issue with this company at this time? Is there something else you would prefer? I know you don't cover the US but respect your opinion.

As for the other three (TFII, TCL.a & NFI) could you rank best to worse buys at this time? I am considering adding 2 of the 3 to limit the number of stocks owned. My criteria are: to hold for long term (5 to 10 years), lower impact by any slow down of economy, good growth in dividends and low leverage. Is there another stock or two that would be better than the ones I am considering?
Thanks as always for your help.
All the best,
Read Answer Asked by Daniel on December 17, 2018
Q: I am planning to realize losses on the above companies to offset capital gains with a plan to repurchase after 30 days. In order to maintain sector exposure in the intervening period I would like identify proxies for each holding. My thinking is as follows:


Please review my suggested proxies and add / amend as needed. Alternatively, if you think I would simply be better off holding cash until repurchasing please say so. Thank-you very much for your help.

Read Answer Asked by Stephen on December 07, 2018
Q: Hi 5i, Seasons Greetings. I generally am a buy and hold type but could use some tax losses against earlier gains this year. The above mentioned stocks could be sold and repurchased in early January. Would that be prudent? Is there anything I should not repurchase? Thanks, Ted
Read Answer Asked by Ted on December 03, 2018
Q: interesting, yesterday james hodgins on bnn had tfii as a short saying it is expensive wage inflation, possible recession and then in the evening david baskin was on bnn saying he loves tfii saying cheap gas etc and it js a buy.
i know you have it in your balance portfolio so you must like it but could you comment, it does not seem to get a lot traction but then nothing is getting any traction. dave
Read Answer Asked by david on November 28, 2018
Q: In addition to diversified RSP, RIF, TFSA accounts, I have a small Trading account that I use for 'nice to have' rather than 'need to have'.
I have sold Photon and Reliq recently for tax loss and have 22% in cash which I would like to redeploy. In this account I am willing to take higher than average risk.
Current holdings are COV 9% (with small loss), TSGI 43% and SYZ 26% (both with good profit). Your suggestions for one or two stocks that you think have higher than average growth potential in the coming year would be appreciated.
Re your recent update reports - good timing with so much going on and I liked the format
Thanks as always.
Read Answer Asked by Alexandra on November 20, 2018
Q: Hi, The listed companies have been where I have taken a big hit. As a novice investor the lesson I've learned is that it makes sense to average into a position, especially in an uncertain market. Losses in these stocks have taken over 5% of my portfolio. Can you comment please that all of these companies show promise for the long term, and there is good reason to say they will bounce back when the markets do recover? I know that MFC has a litigation issue, and TCL.A has an acquisition that is somewhat off the rails. I don't need this money for at least 15 years, but also want to feel sure I'm setting up my RSP for an increase within a few years. Thanks.
Read Answer Asked by Dan on October 30, 2018