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Investment Q&A

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Q: I sold not only HomeCapital but EQB, because Cohodes, our nemesis, is now shorting it as well. Now I'm left with First National. As much as I'd like to think I'm a long-term investor, my gut tells me once retail investors read about the news on alternative lenders this weekend, the stock sell-off will accelerate. Some insiders are also selling, even the CEO of HomeCapital who sold a massive amount of shares at 34.50 right after that buyback announcement? Another insider sold over 400k at 27.50 less than two weeks ago? For me, the last nail in the coffin was Sherry Cooper's interview yesterday on BNN (Dominion Lending). Most surprising, the CEO of First National came on Bloomberg basically saying: "It's bad for us and banks will take 20% of our market". Question: Would you sell First National and replace it with Surge Energy, which is back in an uptrend? Thanks.
Read Answer Asked by Matt on October 07, 2016