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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: I recently sold Shopify at a huge gain, as it had become more than 30% of my portfolio. Thank you for the recommendation. It was in my non-registered account, so I have a substantial capital gain. I have a lot of room in my TFSA, so I am going to move a majority of the proceeds there to avoid future capital gains. I will buy back into Shopify if the price retreats. Can you recommend any stocks, understanding that there is higher risk, that have a similar potential to Shopify? Can be Canadian or US. I have some Lightspeed already. Also, for future reference, did I make a reasonable move or should I have taken a different approach? Thanks
Read Answer Asked by Dave on April 21, 2020
Q: Hi Team,
I am holding TWLO, and down 12% on it as of today. It has been showing some strength lately with the other tech names, but perhaps not as much as some others. What do you think of this companies growth potential? I am wondering if I should hold it, or if you would recommend switching the holding into a different US tech growth stock that you are much more convinced of (was noticing ROKU or DOCU)? I currently already hold NOW, AYX, CRM, SQ,TTD,FB. Thanks for your advice.

Read Answer Asked by Shane on April 16, 2020
Q: What are some of your favorite US growth names right now? I am a younger investor with some money to deploy. I have a 20+ year time horizon. I am not too worried about sector allocation due to having a defined benefits pension when I eventually retire (20+ years).

I am also wondering what US stocks 5i staff are currently buying and why.

Thanks for all your advice. I read the questions daily. Your support through these tough times (my first as an investor) has been beyond insightful and finding I am getting my financial education through your words of wisdom and advice. I keep speaking highly of you to my friends looking to get into investing and am encouraging they subscribe to your service as it is beyond exceptional.

Thanks for all that you all do! Hope you and yours are safe and healthy during these tough times.

Read Answer Asked by Justin on April 15, 2020
Q: Hi Team,
I hold the following stocks in my TFSA: AYX, FB, LSPD, SQ, TTD. Lightspeed is by far my worst performer so far in this group (-50%). I was thinking of possibly "Doubling down" on lightspeed in order to lower my average price, and also with the thought being since its sold off the most in this group, that it may have the highest potential return in a time frame of say a couple yrs. But.. I hold no cash in this account for the most part, so I would have to trim one or 2 of these holdings in order to raise the cash required to buy more LSPD. I am a bit hesitant to do this as I am a firm believer in the other holdings as well. If you were to trim, which would it be from out of the list of stocks given, in order to buy more LSPD? Or would you consider doing this at all given the prospects of the other stocks in this list? Note that I would not have to trim alot from the other ones as LSPD is currently down so much that it wouldn't take too much to double down on it. I am using my TFSA for high growth, and not overly concerned with weightings as long as the holdings are of quality and high growth potential. Thanks for the advice.

Read Answer Asked by Shane on April 14, 2020
Q: Hello 5i,

Imagine that you already have a diversified portfolio you are happy with and plan to keep intact with no changes over a 10+ year investment horizon.

Now, you've watched the recent few months of meltdown sitting with $50,000 of cash that you're considering putting to work, representing maybe 6-7% of your total overall portfolio value/net worth.

Give absolutely no consideration to sector/position weightings, geography (CDN or US or gloabl), or risk tolerance. The only consideration is a 10+ year time frame. You're investing in things for the long term. No trading.

Imagine this was YOUR $50,000. You show up to the office on Monday, April 13. What do you buy today, if anything?

Thanks for all your advice. Read the questions daily. Your takes on this current meltdown I have found to be quite insightful and of far more value than most financial news out there. For this alone I consider my subscription to be money well spent.

Keep yourselves and your families safe!

Read Answer Asked by Ryan on April 13, 2020
Q: Have been dithering on having a greater tech exposure for my portfolio due to my ignorance of the space. Nonetheless, have narrowed down to two choices, Descartes or Taiwan Semiconductor. Given their low correlation (.25) would you favor, one, the other or both? (anticipated total exposure < 5%) Currently have a small, speculative position in PHO:CA (<2%) Other solid, possibly dividend paying suggestions are welcome. Thanks.
Read Answer Asked by David on April 13, 2020
Q: Hi, first I wanted to thank you for this amazing service, I am so glad I discovered 5i!
I recently sold my business and have 10+ years before retirement. I now want to deploy this cash to build my retirement portfolio, I don't need any income from this portfolio for 10 years.
I carefully reviewed your Balanced and Income portfolios. With much improved valuations for many stocks in these portfolios, what are your suggestions for 10 best (in terms of possible appreciation) individual stocks or ETFs for a non-registered portfolio. Either from your sample portfolios or not, US or CDN.
Thanks again!
Read Answer Asked by Laura on April 09, 2020
Q: The current volatility and fear in the market has lead me to believe there will be some companies that will unnecessarily be punished/caught in the crossfire and therefore offer a great risk/return
could you please list out companies in your mind that have decreased significantly unfairly and/or offer a compelling risk/return in the US or Canadian Markets
thank you
Read Answer Asked by cary on April 06, 2020
Q: I own all of the above stocks in the 'growth' portion of a well balanced portfolio. I don't need to sell any and the volatility doesn't bother me. Are there any I should sell because their fundamentals have changed in this correction? Any I should add too?
Read Answer Asked by Larry M. on April 03, 2020
Q: Hi I asked this question earlier. You answered with dividend paying stocks (thanks). but if your were not considering only dividend payers, what would be your choices?

thanks as always for your level headed thinking. I have a number of CAN dividend stocks as the core of my holdings. I now have cash that I want to deploy over the next couple of months. what are your top 5-10 US stocks (no regard to sector) that you recommend based on a 5 year hold.
Read Answer Asked by michele on April 01, 2020
Q: I am interested in the performance of these 2 stocks before and during the current conronavirus environment.
I would have thought that AYX would have fared better, since it has about 3 time the market capitalisation. I acn't articulate the other factors which have given me a gut feeling that AYX was inherently stronger. But KXS seems to have held up better.
Grateful for your insights on the comparative recent performance of these two.
Read Answer Asked by TOM on April 01, 2020
Q: Hello 5i, if you had to choose 10 companies out of the USA or Canada for a 5 year hold what would you choose?

There is no need for additional comments, the money isn’t needed in 5 years that’s just a timeframe that should hopefully allow for success vs the virus and recovery economically and adapting to the changed world ( going cashless, online shopping, deliveries, remote work etc) Risk is not an issue and neither is sector diversification. thank you !
Read Answer Asked by Michael on March 27, 2020
Q: Benjamin Tal was speaking on the current situation and crisis. He indicated that the crisis has identified significant cracks in the current global economy and he is forecasting some significant changes in how companies will operate going forward. Particularly he identified that the vulnerability of the supply chain and the 'just in time' approach to supply. He believes these 2 things will change going forward. He believes we will see an acceleration in de-centralization (started by trump) and a more balanced approach to having supplies on hand. If you beleive in these 2 economic trends, what stocks do you believe would fit these trends. I am thinking commercial warehousing and the like?
thank you.
Read Answer Asked by kelly on March 23, 2020
Q: Hi 5i Team,
In this crazy market, your opinion is very appreciated. I listed my holdings in both US and CA. Are you seeing any stock in the list concerning ( fundamentals changed or poor balance sheet etc) with SELL recommendation even with a loss. These are hold in 2 tfsa and the investments are 5+ years. These companies are hold with 4 diversified etfs and follow the markets and nothing to do about them and i'm always with 6 to 8% cash with "see and wait mode".

Thanks for help with this"Knocking Out market"
Read Answer Asked by Ben on March 16, 2020
Q: Hi Peter and Ryan,
I am looking to take advantage from the current market dip and add the the above securities and ETF to my RRSP Portfolio. My time frame is 5 to 10 years. with adding the above I will be having all the 5i balanced portfolio stocks included. In addition I am adding some ETF and other stock that I think it can help my portfolio. Appreciate you advise of which stock look good at this time to buy (please rank). Is there any of the list I should avoid. Do you have other suggestions for good quality stocks and ETF (in the US and Canada) that have a good growth potential.
Read Answer Asked by Yousef on March 11, 2020