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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: I am looking to buy a position in U.US (Unity Software), but I need to sell one of the other listed companies to raise the cash to do this. Which one would you sell (or trim) to do this, taking into consideration this would be a long term investment. I am looking for maximum share price appreciation. Thanks

Read Answer Asked by Shane on November 24, 2020
Q: I have owned AYX for a year - its been an exciting ride with the stock peaking 66% higher than its current price (I did not sell) I find myself back to where I started. In your view, how much of this volatility is due to management erring on the side of conservative guidance and thus tempering market enthusiasm and how much is a reevaluation by the street that perhaps there are better growth opportunities out there. Since it is part of my US High Growth portfolio, I am perfectly fine with the volatility if it is still on track. My question is, if this were in your US High Growth portfolio would you be keeping it or replacing it with a higher conviction name. If your answer is to replace it, what would be your top 2 names.

Many Thanks
Read Answer Asked by Scott on November 19, 2020
Q: Hello 5i,
I've ridden the Tech wave all year to an overweight position in my portfolio.
The above mentioned companies are partial positions that I'm looking eliminate some of.
I have an above average risk tolerance.
Could you please rank these for growth prospects over the next year or two?
Thank you
Read Answer Asked by Dave on November 18, 2020
Q: I try to buy best in breed companies or leaders in each sector/industry with the goal of holding for the long term. With the current sell off in high growth tech stocks my buy price alerts in the above companies are starting to get triggered. During times when we get a market sell off or sector rotation, as we may be getting over the next few days or weeks, I like to only buy one or 2 positions per day in order to keep some powder dry if the sell offs continue. If I don't hold positions in any can you rank in order of what you would buy first to last and please feel free to add other companies to this list you feel are good buys. Thanks for all your help.
Read Answer Asked by Clinton on November 11, 2020
Q: Good morning. I own the above in my TFSA. I'm up a bit on KEYS, down a bit on GRUB, and more or less even on the others. There was a recent question on which technology companies you would buy right now and I own everything on your Canadian list but only NVDA on your American list. My question is, which of my holdings would you consider replacing with something off of the American suggestions.
Thanks for your advice.
Read Answer Asked by Rod on November 05, 2020
Q: I bought few of these "cloud stocka " only from what i gatheredQuestions on 5 i .
Veeva and Docu seems well accepted.
Fsly and Ayx very volatile
Do i continue to hold the latter tw or perhaps switch to Team and Roku which 5 i seems considers reasonably attractive
Read Answer Asked by thambirajah on October 29, 2020
Q: Are there any companies i should look into that are in the machine learning and A.I. space. I believe there has been and will be great opurtunity here
Read Answer Asked by Tim on October 19, 2020
Q: In the time since the sharp decline in markets in March I would sometimes notice when I just happened to be looking at a particular stock or ETF chart that for a select few they rebounded almost immediately (in days, or more often a few weeks). It was almost as people suddenly realized “hey, wait a minute, there was no reason for that to have sold off”. Unfortunately, in typical fashion, I didn’t note them anywhere. If we were to have another major negative market move (for any of the reasons floating around), are there any companies or ETF’s that come to mind to watch for that might repeat that pattern?

Thank you,
Read Answer Asked by Stephen R. on October 07, 2020
Q: Dear Peter and Ryan.
I have held AYX for a while. I realized the software company booked revenue/profit ahead of earning after last ER. Since then the stock was down significant from all time high of $185. It is up today. I think I should sell it. I like to get your advice on this from a long term investment perspective.
Read Answer Asked by Yiwen on October 06, 2020
Q: I have essentially equal holdings in these mega caps and other US and Canadian techs listed. For a new additional tech investment, any thoughts on the best addition? Would you recommend more to an index?
I'm trying not too add too many new names.

Thanks in advance.

Read Answer Asked by Peter on September 28, 2020
Q: Hello 5i Team,

I'm considering selling my slumping AYX and replacing it with either JD for some China exposure, CRWD, or CRM. Just wondering if I can get your thoughts on this and a ranking for a five year hold. I would be selling AYX with a small gain, but I know it's not expected to do much in the short term and maybe prospects are better elsewhere? Thanks.
Read Answer Asked by Bradley on September 23, 2020