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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: i hold a number of these small cap names. I do not hold CLS or TVK. At current pricing what order would you add to these names, what names do you think are very attractively priced right now?

Read Answer Asked by Timothy on July 26, 2024
Q: I hold the above positions in approx equal weights in a non-registered account from which I need to raise some cash for a home project. If you were to sell entire positions, in what order would you proceed, first to be sold through to tenth (ie which positions do you see as having the most potential yet to be realized and would be later in your sell order)? Alternatively, are there some positions you would sell outright while trimming as needed from others, and if so, which ones would be sells - again in what order - and which would be trims? Many thanks.
Read Answer Asked by Bruce on July 05, 2024
Q: Do you thing Small/Mid cap companies will do well in next 2 to 3 years?

What are your top 5 Canadian and US names in this space that you would buy today?

Read Answer Asked by Timothy on June 26, 2024
Q: Good morning,

I was wondering if you could look in to your crystal ball and predict where we may find KXS 5-10-15 years from now....not necessarily the price, but just in general.

To me, it seems like KXS is not widely known, but is establishing itself as a quiet market leader. I like that they don't issue shares. What could the future hold - a take-out candidate? a dividend? dual-listing? I know they make some acquisitions, but will they continue to make more? Could this be an international leader in supply-chain one day? With a market cap of aprox. $4.3 billion could it one day scale to a larger Canadian tech name (e.g. $10 billion+)? Will that PE ratio ever come down? I know there is a report on it, just more considering what the future may hold....
Read Answer Asked by Jeff on June 20, 2024
Q: Hi 5i - how would you rank the following tech companies at todays prices for new positions:


Thanks, Neil
Read Answer Asked by Neil on June 14, 2024
Q: Both KXS and MANH offer software solutions to manage supply chains.

KXS has low single digit operating margins and ROIC.
MANH has high operating margins (20%+), and high ROIC (40%+).

They have similar gross profit margins (~50-60%), and in fact, KXS is the higher of the 2. In comparison, is KXS "bleeding" money on certain expenditures that MANH is not, or why does MANH screen so much better? What is MANH doing different that has allowed its stock to grow over 3x the CAGR of KXS over the past 5 years?

If your investable universe included US stocks, would you side with MANH going forward as a replacement to KXS in your model portfolio?

Read Answer Asked by Adam on June 04, 2024
Q: Hold all four in growth oriented TFSA for several years now. How much overlap do you see among them? How would you rank them first (best) to last? Are any need to own? If reducing number of these four holdings, which ones would you trim or eliminate? Any that could be increased as position size of each is less than 1.5% of total of all portfolios?
Read Answer Asked by William Ross on May 31, 2024
Q: Which of these 4 would you recommend for a 3 to 5 year hold and could you recommend order to buy and a comment on all? And perhaps an entry price level. Thanx.
Read Answer Asked by Steve on May 23, 2024
Q: Hello,
I have owned these 3 stocks for a few years now and doing some portfolio cleanup and wondering if still worth holding - long term. I don’t trade. Can you please briefly comment on their potential individually and if some should be sold, in what order in your opinion. Thank you.
Read Answer Asked by Pierre on May 21, 2024
Q: Help me!
My wife and I have a competition running in our TFSA accounts, which we started a few years back with the same cash balance. She is using the classic passive ETF strategy, except we got pissed off with bonds and moved that portion into QQQ/ICLN (TDB900, 902, 911 & QQQ, ICLN)
I am actively (quite low turnover) trading CDN and US stocks and ETF's
She is handing me my ass!

My current holdings in the CDN account are ATS, BAM, BN, GSY, KXS, XIT, PBH, WELL, WSP and US account AAPL, TFII, VEEV

Ignoring sector allocations (which i still need to look into), please advise any Buy, Hold or Sell recommendations for my current holdings with a 5 year horizon
Read Answer Asked by Jim on May 08, 2024