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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Good day,

Did a huge portfolio makeover a few months ago, almost entirely with your picks (minus a few that didn't click for me) and some of my high own high conviction names. For the most part, they've all done pretty well, with the exception of the last few weeks.

1. Is the last few weeks just overall uncertainty/retraction?
2. bep and bip are down ~15%, is it worthwhile getting out and averaging down BAM or BNS?
3. ATS and CELH are down after large runups after I bought. worth buying/averaging down on one of these?
4. DCBO and NXT back to scratch after huge runs. Do you expect those levels to return? Timeline wise? NXT spun from FLEX, but Flex continues to climb
5. KXS is down 8%, and seems pretty spikey over the last 5 years. Just wait for the next one? Should this start to create more of a steadier trend upward?
6. I bought POWL, and it's basically done nothing, thoughts on the company now? alternatives?
7. I saw a youtuber vid that really loved POET for the coming months years. I was telling a friend about it yesterday because I like (and understand) the technology and what it could do. He literally bought some while we were talking yesterday morning and he's up 30%... Are the company fundamentals/contracts improving? or could it just be hype from youtubers and the like?

Almost all of these had some pretty significant periods of running since I rebalanced in Jan/Feb. I know market timing is not a solid practice, but in a lot of these growth names, at what point is that jump worth moving on from, freeing up some cash for another opportunity down the road? And how do you determine whether it's time or not?

Finally, in the event that your attitudes have changed on any of these, do you have a top 3 CAD, top 3 US new ideas over the last few months that have really turned the tide/become strong buys that I may replace/add?

Thanks for everything!

Read Answer Asked by James on May 01, 2024
Q: How would you rate these stocks for maximum growth?
Thanks, Peter
Read Answer Asked by Peter on April 26, 2024
Q: Good afternoon all;

I currently own LMN and KXS in equal sized positions in TFSA's. I consider these my higher growth oriented emerging technology investments. I've held LMN since $30 and traded in and out of KXS between $100 and $200 since 2019.

My question is whether future investment gains would be better served trading out of KXS (which has performed historically but become frustrating and seems a laggard recently) and into Topicus (which seems a bit opaque).

Thanks as always,


Read Answer Asked by Dave on April 22, 2024
Q: A number of these companies have done very well recently while others have not. Could you rate these as Buy/Hold/Sell and for those you consider a buy, could you provide what you feel is a good entry point.

Thank you
Read Answer Asked by Timothy on April 05, 2024
Q: Good Morning,

I hold KXS in my TFSA. My goal is to maximize growth in the account. Would you endorse a switch to one of the above names. Which would be your current two favourites in the group?

Read Answer Asked by Janet on March 26, 2024
Q: I struggle with ATS and KXS whether to sell or continue to see drifting lower. I know you suggest selling if something fundamental has changed for the worse. People commonly thinking ATS is a growth name, but their backlog is shrinking, still a growth name? Fundamental changed? KXS's growth is declining as well....when it will resume their growth? If sell them, what to buy to replace? Can I have your thoughts? Thanks.
Read Answer Asked by Lin on March 22, 2024
Q: Given a 3-5 year period, please list the above stocks from best to least for growth.

Thank you.

Read Answer Asked by Howard on March 18, 2024
Q: I know that you still like KXS, and you also like XIT. I manage my son’s TFSA, and he’s made a tidy profit in KXS, since it’s been held for quite a while. However, going forward, and since more recent charts indicate XIT's outperforformance, what would be your assessment of switching from KXS to XIT?

He doesn’t have enough room to buy CSU or SHOP, and I see that they’re the first two holdings in XIT, and would you agree that these two names are ‘better’ than KXS? As well, XIT holds a small amount of KXS.

Finally, he can buy and sell XIT with zero commission.

Your pertinent advice is, as always, important in our decision making.
Read Answer Asked by Jerry on March 13, 2024
Q: Good morning. I hold the above stocks in my TFSA. Together they now account for approx. 6% of my TFSA. I am thinking I'd like to consolidate them into one or possibly two positions. Which would you choose to keep if you went that route. Alternatively can you suggest one or two Canadian and one or two American growth stocks to take their place. I already hold full positions of CSU, LMN, TOI, NVDA, and SHOP. Thanks for your advice, Rod
Read Answer Asked by Rod on March 11, 2024
Q: Can you please provide your thoughts on the stocks listed for a RESP that will start to draw down in 4 years? In addition to these positions the portfolio has a good core position in CDN, US and INTL large cap ETFs. Any that you would get rid of now? If so, please provide alternatives (both Cdn and US).
Read Answer Asked by Chris on March 04, 2024
Q: Good Morning
I have done well with Kinaxis but have become impatient with the returns over the last couple of years. Can you recommend an alternative? I am considering swapping out for TVK and HPS.A.
thank you
Read Answer Asked by Marty on February 22, 2024
Q: The AI fields are currently very much the talk of the tech world. Do you have names of Canadian companies active in the AI fields, other than OTEX, we can check out as names of interest for potential investment? Thanks.
Read Answer Asked by Victor on February 21, 2024