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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: With the devastating losses I’ve suffered on CXR (-85%) and PHM (-80%) my holdings in the healthcare sector are down to 5%. I was considering purchasing some IBB to bring it up a bit. After my experience with CXR and PHM I’ve become a bit worried about owning individual healthcare names and am now feeling more inclined to want the safety and diversification of an ETF. How do you feel about IBB or do you have any other suggestions? I already own GUD, SIS, and XLV.
Read Answer Asked by Steven on August 15, 2016
Q: It is easy to fault advisors when things go south but they are only making decisions based on the information given to them and trusting the source of that information. I got burnt on PHM and many very honest and reputable advisors such as Peter and Jason Donneville were believers also. CXR is EXACTLY the same. The events which unfolded at these two companies should prove to us that above all else the number one metric in evaluating a public traded company must be the Quality And Integrity Of Management. When any critic corners that one, let me know, please
Read Answer Asked by Clarence on August 15, 2016